Chapter Thirty Two

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I stand outside in the cold, looking around for Kerri. It's twenty minutes passed one, and I haven't seen her since we came to the party. This is the last time I do a favor for her ass.

Cameron steps outside, zipping his coat up. I turn away from him, rolling my eyes. He is so annoying without doing anything specifically.

"Are you by yourself?"

"No. I'm waiting on my friend and her friend. She's supposed to have met me here twenty minutes ago." I don't look at him as I talk.

"Need a ride?"

"I just said I'm waiting on my friend. Stop acting like you're hard of hearing."

He throws his hands up. "You can chill with that attitude, ma. I only asked you, because you're standing out here in the cold and your friend is late." He walks down the steps. "Good night."

I don't say anything. I take my phone out my pocket and call Jason. I hope that his phone isn't dead and maybe he can pick me up. My call goes straight to voicemail. I groan as I dial Kerri's number. I know she left it in Antonio's car, but I'm hoping that she maybe was sitting in the car with him making out. When I get the voicemail after a few rings, I put the phone back in my pocket. I will never do a favor for that girl again.

I suppose I can call a cab. Shit! I left my purse in Antonio's car. I lean against the building, wondering if this night can get any worse.

Cameron's car pulls up in front of the house with his music blasting. He parks the car and I just look at him sit there. I roll my eyes as I pretend to not notice his car. A couple more people walk out the front door.

Ten minutes later Cameron is still parked out in front of me, and Kerri hasn't came out yet. My phone rings in my pocket, and I pick it up, hoping that it's Kerri. It's Cameron.

Need a ride?

No. I'm good.

Well, I'm not leaving til I c that for myself. Call boyfriend.

I look up at his car, making a face at the window.

Can't. He has dead battery. Im good. Stop stalking. B gone.

Cameron gets out the car and walks to the passenger's seat and opens the door. He turns around to look at me. "Let's go. I got somewhere I need to be."

I turn around, wondering who he's talking to.

"Melissa, this is crazy. It's freezing out here and your friend is ghost. You can't get in touch with your man. Let's go."

Oh, he is talking to me. "No." I say quietly.

"This damn girl." He mutters under his breath as he walks up the steps. He makes eye contact with me. "I can bench press two forty. I said let's go."

"I said no." I say back to him, giving him straight attitude. I don't care if he can bench press three sixty.

"Aight." He walks back to the car with an attitude. I watch as he closes the passenger's door and opens the door for the backseat. He throws a couple things in his trunk, while muttering angrily under his breath.

Cameron runs back up the steps. Before I can say anything, he puts me over his shoulders carrying me to his car.

"Put me down!" I yell loudly as I hit him as hard as I can in the back. "Cameron, stop playing!"

Cameron puts me in the back seat and slams the door shut angrily. I lay there as he gets into the driver's seat. He looks at me in the rear view mirror as he starts the car.

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