their new future

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(K) *playing with son*

(H) *sitting on picnic blanket reading a book*

(R) *running around with ball* mama

(H) *hugs Rowan*

(K) *sits next to haruhi with hand on her belly* soon Rowan will be a big brother

(H) I can't wait for him to meet his baby brother or sister

(R) *runny pointing at bush* mama

(H) *walking to Rowan* common let's go inside

(R) *holds haruhi and kyoya's hand*

(T) you've got company

(K) tamiki Donna

(D) he wanted to come by for a surprise visit

(H) yeah were surprised to see you two, I thought you were still away for your honeymoon

(T) well we are back now and wanted to visit you guys and little Rowan

(R) hi

(D) hi baby Rowan

(H) his third birthday is coming up soon

(T) well he'll be spoiled with gifts from all of his uncles

(H) all seven of them

(Hh) you said uncles and we have arrived

(K) hikaru kaoru

(H) aari

(A) so boy or girl?

(H) we haven't found out yet were wanting it to be a surprise like it was for Rowan

(Ho) maybe he'll get a baby sister

(K) were both on team girl but I'm also on team boy

(Hh) Haruhi is a great mom even if it felt like she was a mom to me and kaoru

(Kh) you always took care of us helped us through fights and emotions

(H) you guys are my best friends so of course I'd help

(K) now we wait and see what our next baby will be

(H) yeah, I love you

(K) I love you to

(R) I love mama dadda

(K) *picks up Rowan* we love you buddy

(H) were a happy family

- end of story-

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