Part 2

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Severus was currently walking the halls with harry.

It was weird, walking with him. It was like harry knew everything about him and severus barely knew who his other father was.

" how come your shorter than me?" Severus asked out of the blue.

Harry looked at him confused and blinked.

" what?"

" im only 16 and your like 20. And yet im still taller than you"

" what? Im 6 feet! Im only 1 inch shorter than you! God im sorry im not the mighty 6'1." He said sarcastically.

He shook his head and sighed.

" you tease me about it in the future too. Glad your still just as sarcastic as you were when you were 16."

Severus snorted and continued to walk slowly. When the conversation died down again severus hesitated. There was a question he wanted to ask but he wasnt sure if it was a good idea.

" am i a good dad?"

" what?"

" am i good dad in the future. Like i tease you about your height i get that now but am i a good dad?"

" in what sense?"

" like do you feel happy. Do we have a good relationship. Do you feel loved by me? That sort of stuff."

Harry didn't seem to be expecting such a question. He brought his hand up and scratched the back of his neck.

" honestly? Yeah. You're a great dad. You were always there and you and my father always made sure i was loved. I grew up in a great house." Harry answered.

Severus nodded, pleased and also a little surprised with his answer.

In his future kids were always out of the question, whether it be later or sooner in life he never wanted them.

To think in the future he would have a 20 year old son surprised him.

Severus snapped out of his thoughts when they finally appeared where they were supposed to be.

The room of requirements.

" ok. You'll be staying here. Im sure you know how it works?"

" yes i do."

Severus smiled and nodded.

" well then. Ill see you at breakfast tomorrow. Some house elves should be up to bring you supplies." Severus pat his shoulder and started to walk away.

Harry watched him round the corner before walking down the hallway to wait for the door to show up.

When it did he immediately burst through it in case the door decided to disappear on him.

After he entered the room he closed his eyes and focused on what he wanted the room to look like, imagining it best as possible.

When he opened them he was pleased to see that the room he made up was decent enough to live in for however long he needed to be in it.

He waited until he was absolutely sure everything was ready and that nothing would go wrong, then he collapsed onto the floor.

He leaned against the wall, his back to the stone and couldn't help the tears starting to fall.

He hadn't expected to go that far. And to see his father too.

His heart was hurting and he put his head in his hands. He clawed at his chest like something was stuck in it.

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