c h a n g e

79 25 6

i want to change

i want to be someone

who spits out the words

that are scratching at her throat,

i want to be someone who laughs

when throwing away the thoughts

crawling and choking

along the pathways of her soul

and making her stumble

i want to be someone

who raises her voice

in a way that everyone sees

how she's raising her mind with two hands

like a crown made of words

gleaming with truth

i want to be someone

who loves freely

and holds out a hand

to pull someone to the top

of a mountain of hearts intertwined

without caring if she'll be

pushed off to plummet

to the ground of cold solitude—

a loneliness she knows well,

a place she calls home,

while looking up and longing

for something, someone

that will stay so she's

not so alone

*WORK IN PROGRESS* (will edit more later, possibly)

huh, I'm not sure if I understand this one. it felt important to put down tho, so here you go. happy wednesday, everyone. reminder: you can make it through the rest of this week:)



poems for you. always for you. ✓On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara