Chapter 11

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The Hantan Village was surrounded by mountains on all sides, and only a winding mountain road leads to the village. Aside from being remote and poor, the village had a beautiful environment, and it was a good place to cultivate.

The mountain was rich in natural resources. In the early years, wild fruit trees and herbs were dug casually, and wild animals were everywhere. Su Mian spent her childhood in the mountains. She picked wild fruits in the mountains in the autumn and caught frozen small animals in the winter. In Spring, she picked bamboo shoots and wild vegetables. In the summer, she went up the mountain to do her homework by the cold lake and catch summer cicadas and bullfrogs.

After what happened in her previous life, the Hantan Village had become the pure land that Su Mian wanted to protect.

When Su Mian arrived at the entrance to the village, she saw the village chief Li Dali guiding three sheeps down the mountain. When he saw her, he shouted, “Xiao Mian, how come you are home?”

“”Grandpa, village chief,” Su Mian waved and looked at the three tile houses at the foot of the mountain, and her eyes were slightly moist. She had been homeless for three years.

“Go home and see your grandma,” said the village chief with a smile.

“Ah, I will!”

The houses in Hantan Village were all bungalows and high-rise beams. They live in a very transparent and comfortable place, and every family had enclosed fences to raise poultry.

The head of the village raised three sheep, her grandma raised pigs, and the other families raised chickens and ducks.

When Su Mian arrived at the door of her house, she saw some wild vegetables dug out from the mountain in the yard. Her grandma was wearing reading glasses, sitting under the jujube tree in the yard with an old-fashioned radio near her.

“Grandma, I’m back.”

When Su Mian opened the gate, her eyes became wet. She hugged Grandma Su and buried her head in her arms.

Grandma Su was shocked and happy. She took off her reading glasses, touched Su Mian’s head, and smiles kindly, “Why did you come back so soon?”

“I miss you,” Su Mian choked, and quickly wiped her eyes, took out a few cans of plums and a large bag of jujube cake from her backpack, and burst into tears.

“Grandma, I bought you jujube cakes. And sour plums. “

“Well, you can eat from it. Grandma will cook dinner for you,” Grandma Su smiled.

“Grandmother, is it Xiao Mian?” Uncle Liu opened the door next door and said with a smile, “I picked a pumpkin, make something with it for Xiao Mian at night.”

“Grandma Su, this is a rabbit that our family had caught on the mountain. You can make it for Su Mian,” Liu Yang also sent something.

“Big sister, we have two sausages at home. You cook them for Xiao Mian at night,” the village head, Li Dali also took two sausages over.

The village was so big, there were seven families in total. As soon as Su Mian came back, all the villagers knew it immediately, so they all brought things over.

Grandma Su, with a wrinkled smile, hurriedly asked Su Mian to give everyone two pieces of the jujube cake she bought, and then went into the house and brought some nuts for everyone.

“Xiao Mian, why did you come back suddenly this time? Is there no school?” Li Dali, the village head, said with a smile.

“I came back to do a research project. Grandpa, I happened to need help.”

Su Mian smiled, “I want to make a contract for the mountain top of our village, including the pool in the back hill. The funds are allocated by the school to do research on species in the mountain.”

“Is there such a good thing?” Li Dali said with a smile, “No problem. I’ll go to the county tomorrow to help you get the documents.”

The villagers were simple. They had blind trust in the only baby in the village, and Su Mian didn’t even need to explain.

Everyone was chatting around Su Mian until it was almost dark, so they went home to cook.

Grandmother Su had cooked rice, was steaming sausages and pumpkins, and had washed a handful of fresh wild vegetables in the mountains, ready to be cooked with bacon.

Su Mian watched her grandmother’s busy figure in front of the stove, her heart warmed. This was the life she wanted to live. Quiet and warm, accompanied by loved ones.

In the apocalypse, Su Mian’s life wasn’t too bad. It was true that Luo Hansheng was overbearing and possessive, he even restricted her freedom, and made her suffer in bed. But in other aspects, she was almost pampered.

When Luo Hansheng ate meat, Su Mian would also eat meat. Occasionally when Su Mian wanted to eat veggies, the man forced her to eat meat.

This kind of unequal relationship, similar to the relationship between the master and the slave, made her unable to adapt.

Fortunately, she now had new options.

[Translations from Wordrain]

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