Chapter One

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Oliver's POV

"I will not have my sons who are still in school involved in this" Molly's angry voice shouted as she slammed her hands on the wooden table in the kitchen of Number 12 Grimmauld Place during the first Order meeting. "Just because your my sons boyfriend does not mean you have to push to get him and his twin involved at his request."

"Molly, they are of age would you not see this as a way to keep harry who you have said countless times is like your son under the protection of the order, the professors will be busy watching over the entire student body, so having those three extra sets of eyes on harry is definitely needed. Now Oliver's Personal relationship with Fred has nothing to do with him bringing up that they are here in the head quarters and can be trusted to assist and that they are of age to make their own choice on this matter" Emilie shouted back, being Tonks' sister she did not have the best temper. She had also slammed her hands on the table, she like everyone else wanted to get this meeting going and Molly's outburst was not helping. her hair had changed to a bright red colour .

"Mrs Weasley, Fred and George have both Proven to be of great help to the order some of their inventions could be used and they certainly could assist the order in creating more" I stated as looking over at her. Calling her Molly probably would not be the best especially since I was the reason for her outburst, I stated having Fred and George to assist me in watching over Harry. Dumbledore had insisted I request to redo my NEWTs so that I would be close to harry who both himself and Ron will be sharing with myself and the twins due to a 'mistake' in the dorm set up.

"Actually Molly, I agree.. plus they are able to watch over themselves and Hogwarts is the safest place for them to have a task to help with the order" Remus Lupin had stated and Molly sighed knowing she would not win this.

"Now Oliver since that matter is dealt with please go and get the twins" Dumbledore said and I nodded leaving the room making my way up to the third floor as I walked quietly not to disrupt that ear splitting portrait of Mrs. Black I noticed the extendable ear and sighed as the twins met me on the second floor landing.

"I can't believe you did that, you went against my mother to insist that we join and help you!" Fred said almost tackling me in a hug and kissing my cheek smiling I hugged my boyfriend of two years smiling.

"come on we have to go downstairs and join in the meeting. I will warn you though they are not as interesting as you would believe" I said leading the twins back down stairs ignoring the grumbling from Ron, Hermione and Ginny. They must have thought that it was not fair the twins are now allowed join us in the meetings.

I walked back into the kitchen followed by the twins, Fred sat in the empty chair beside me which was at the table and George sat behind his older brother Bill due to there being no more empty chairs at the table just scattered around the room.

"So, Oliver you will have to fill Fred and George in on the plan back at Hogwarts" Dumbledore said and I nodded as Fred placed his hand on mine as I nodded "I'll fill them in later" I said knowing they already knew the plan due to their extendible ears.

As the meeting continued everyone being assigned their tasks and updating us on past ones.

"Oliver, Emilie, Tonks, Mad-eye, Kingsley, Remus, Fred and George you are going to be the first guard for bring harry back here. Oliver I want you and Mad-eye to take charge in this I want you mad-eye In charge of the protection part, and you, Oliver in working out the transportation, I hear you all excel in flying in brooms so please use that to your advantage and work out a safe route that can be taken" Arthur said as he was in charge of coming up with the teams for bringing harry here.

Once we packed everything away and most of the order left Molly called Ron, Hermione and Ginny down for dinner. They all assisted with setting up as there was not many of us staying. I took a hold of Fred's hand in mine.

"Mum how come Fred and George get to help" Ron complained

"Because Ickle Ronnikins, We are of age and have agreed to help" George teased

"They have joined at my suggestion Ron, they are of age and can be trusted, I assure you once you are of age you would be allowed join but since you are not we are not allowed discuss such delicate matters, the less that know the better." Emilie said sitting down in her chair with a tone of 'drop it' as she knew it would cause another argument.

I sighed and lay my head on Fred's shoulder not wanting another argument especially not with Molly, she has been like a mother to me since myself and Fred had began dating and Fred had let slip that my parents were not that accepting about it. Hermione, Ron and Ginny sat at the table after they finished setting it up and dished themselves something to eat. I dished myself something small as I was exhausted and not in the mood of eating, I had 'bumped' into harry earlier while on my way to meet a friend, or well come back here. It was mainly to check up on him as Sirius is worried for his godson.

Once dinner is finished I stand up about to leave and go to my apartment in Knockturn Alley as it was cheap and affordable Fred stood up following me out to the hall, he hated where I lived because it was a very dangerous part of Knockturn Alley. "can't you end your lease and move here? you could bunk with me? even stay the night? Sirius has already said you can move in here as its safer" He whispered as he hugged me tightly, he had gotten a separate room from George solely because I tend to stay after meetings. I nodded my head at what he said giving in. "Okay I'll stay tonight but do you think your mother will allow you come help me pack tomorrow?" I ask and he nods "Go up to our room I'm just going to tell them your staying" he whispered kissing my lips quickly before making his way back down stairs. I walked up to our room on the third floor opening the chest of drawers and changed into a pair of pyjama bottoms and no top before climbing into the double bed.

Fred's POV

I walked back down to the kitchen standing by the door. "Oliver is staying the night" I informed them "your offer still stands about him moving here until school right Sirius?" I ask and smile when he nods his head "I'm going with him to pack up his stuff in his apartment in the morning" I said to mum who was about to object. "Mum I can protect myself if you deem it really necessary we can leave with someone else but Oliver is also a great wizard and will protect me even if it puts him at harm" I said "Snuffles can come?" Sirius suggested "I can drop them off on my way to Gringotts and you could meet them in the afternoon mum, you said you would be going to buy a few things" Bill said looking at mum "Snuffles is staying here as Dumbledore said, yes Bill that could work or it should be safe for them to make their way back" my mum said. "I'm going to go upstairs" I told them smiling and walked back up the stairs quietly walking through the halls before making my way into the room closing and locking the door. I walked in smiling as I seen my boyfriend laying on the bed and changed into a pair of pyjama bottoms before climbing in to bed beside him kissing his cheek and wrapping my arms around him smiling.

Oliver's POV

I smiled as Fred joined me and snuggled into his arms and kissed him on the cheek "I've missed staying beside you love" I say softly kissing him on the cheek. "I am coming with you tomorrow, as much as I hated the area the apartment was a nice get away when I wanted to be alone with you without having to worry about others barge in" Fred said as he held onto me "It was also a great storage spot for your products, they will need to be moved in here somewhere your mum wont check" I said looking up at him and kissing him on the lips softly before looking at him smiling, "Dumbledore said because I'm coming back as a favour for him I will be getting Quidditch captain which means we will have my office as a hideout" I grin, we spent the next half hour smiling and just enjoying each others company before we fell asleep my head hidden in the crook of Fred's neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2021 ⏰

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