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Nerves and sweaty palms. Two things I can't control. I hung my head as I stared myself down in the mirror. I looked gorgeous. My hair perfectly curled and my dress didn't resemble a tree. It's a beautiful emerald tight fitting silk dress. I couldn't help but twirl in-front of the mirror with a slight frown. Gorgeous, but it doesn't feel like me. I don't look like the girl who'd run around with grass stains and dirty hands. I don't look like the girl who'd run my whole life barefoot in a forest. No, I look like a princess, a pretty one but still it doesn't feel right.

This could be the last night of my life and what would I be remembered as?!?. The pretty daughter of Johanna Mason. I rolled my eyes at the thought. Interviews this year are going to be different. This year all tributes are having joint interviews with the Victors they're related to. Which means I'm going to have a joint interview with Johanna

Needless to say that back stage is therefore a complete and utter nightmare. Victors, tributes, stylists and escorts. It's chaos. I'd only just entered backstage and nearly walked straight back out. I could easily pick out the Capitol people but frowned when I didn't see anyone representing District Seven. It seems every district but District Seven is out here. That or I'm blind. But to be fair there's so many people out here that they wouldn't be hard to miss. 

Most people seemed at ease. Victors were seen chatting happily away while their children hang awkwardly beside them. The sight caused a slight smile to spread across my face. I think it's Districts eight and three. Beetee, Wiress and Cecilia all stood together leaving their children to make awkward small talk. 

Yep, thank god I don't have to suffer through that on the last night of my life. I turned away and started weaving through the crowd in the hopes of finding Trent. Perhaps, I can settle for suffering through a conversation with Clement or Blight. I continued weaving through people until I faltered slightly at the voice of Caesar Flickerman. I snorted as he introduced Gloss, Cashmere, Fragrance and Satin. As if they're this one big happy ass family.   

It was weird. Cashmere was crying and ever the puppet of her aunt, Satin cried too. Something about the pain they'll all endure from losing their cherished children. Who, mind you aren't even  kids anymore. I scoffed. Aren't they both like twenty-three or something?. But what can I say...Satin and Fragrance are famous. Really famous and well, Capitol people aren't the brightest. 

A chuckle at my reaction had me turning my head to find a familiar drunk elderly face. "Not buying it sweetheart?".

I looked around me to double check he meant me and shrugged at Haymitch Abernathy. "Does anyone?".

Katniss turned in her seat from behind Haymitch and eyed me up and down before giving me a small smile. She indicated to her crying escort. "Apparently everyone".

I was surprised to find myself smiling along with Katniss Everdeen of all people. She, like myself seemed to be the only person of her district here apart from Haymitch. I chose that moment to turn to the elderly Victor before me. "So, any advice?".

He rose an eyebrow at me. "Yeah, if you can't walk in those..". He indicated down to the heels underneath my dress. "Tonight's not the night to start trying".

Katniss rose a confused eyebrow while I nodded at him. The message was clear, he's not talking about his Quell. I shrugged. "Right. Any pot plants around here, then?". 

I'd already started taking off my shoes while Haymitch snorted into his drink. In the distance I saw Clement muttering to himself in some sort of tiff. I sighed and kicked my heels underneath the couch that Katniss was sitting on. She looked to my feet pointedly and I hastily dropped the long dress. I smiled awkwardly at the two them and ran my hand through my hair. I gave the two Victors a tight smile. "Well, I just saw my escort walk by so I'll just g-".

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