14 | Little tour

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Jungkook had entered his pack, parking his car and carrying Taehyung out of the car. He was shivering and felt super cold.

The Alpha had walked upstairs and into his room, walking to the bathroom to put him on the sink and run a bath. Jungkook stripped Taehyung from his top and pants chucking them away.

"Once you're in the bath I will walk out so you can strip from your boxers," Jungkook says lifting Taehyung off the sink and in the warm bath.

He felt Taehyung warm-up and was so thankful to feel his heat again.

"I will go make you some soup" Jungkook said as Taehyung nodded slightly

Jungkook walked out of the bathroom, keeping the door open, and walked towards the hallway and shut his bedroom door.

He walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, he quickly grabbed some ingredients and placed it onto the kitchen bench. Jungkook knew how to cook but he did not do it often as he had other things to do.

But this was for Taehyung and he was important so he started to make his favorite soup, his mother used to make this soup for him when he felt sick so he decided to spread the love.

He spent an hour doing the prep and let it simmer on the stove for a bit in a pot, he walked up the stairs and smiled to see Taehyung asleep in his bed wearing his clothes.

Jungkook walked quietly to the bathroom and drained the water, he grabbed the basket of clothes and frowned seeing blood on Taehyung's underwear.

He shrugged and walked out of the room with the basket in his hands, he shut the door and walked towards the laundry.

"Sir, I can do these for you" Kia said as Jungkook nodded thanking her, and walked out of the room back into the kitchen.

Jimin was drinking some water leaning against the bench as he sighed

"How is he?" Jimin asks

"Quite shaken up" Jungkook said sitting down on one of the bench chairs

"Am I a bad mate" Jungkook said out of the blue causing Jimin to look at him

"Why do you think that?" Jimin asks

"I am meant to be there for him and he is always getting hurt- trusting to well" Jungkook says

"Kook you arent a bad mate, you're trying to look out for him- that is what great alpha's do" Jungkook nodded slightly and asked Jimin if he could give Taehyung the soup he made him for when he wakes up.

"Of course I will, you going to a meeting," Jimin asks

"Yeah I will be back," Jungkook said rushing off.

The alpha walked down the hallway as he pulled out his phone, dialling a number. 

"Yeah, find all the information on Jay and Jez. Email me what you find" Jungkook said before hanging up. Just like that, he walked to the meeting. 

Taehyung was now awake laying in Jungkook's bed, he had been up for about 20 minutes now and did not move at all- the only time he did move was to get snuggled under the covers.

He loved the smell of Jungkook and was in love with the feeling over being around Jungkook, but sadly he was not here.

Taehyung stood up from the bed and slipped on some shoes, he wanted to go adventure the pack again. He changed into some other clothes before walking out the room and towards the front door.

Once he opened it he was met with another garden that was smaller then the one at the back, the omega moved along watching as people carried on with their normal day- chatting, picking food and playing with the kids in the playground

Taehyung loved Jungkook's pack a lot, it was everything he dreamed of for a pack.

Taehyung walked towards the back of the house that Jungkook and the others stay at, he personally loves this area because of how large the garden is.

The omega walked through the large garden and down the path that leads to the house that Jungkook's team was building for him.

He walked through the gate and closed it behind him, there weren't any workers there at the moment but the doors were open.

The outside of his house was already done but it looks like they were just doing the inside, Taehyung walked through the doors and smiled at how the house was already set out.

There was no furniture at the moment but he could tell which room is what, the house is two stories and Jungkook told him there are 3 bedrooms and an office room.

Taehyung liked that the house was not huge or big, he liked the home feeling to this house.

Sometimes Taehyung wondered if him and Jungkook were moving too fast but he knows this is what the mate bond does, he felt safe around Jungkook but he sometimes gets confused.

Jungkook one minute seems to adore him and the next he is nowhere to be seen, Taehyung was not use to all this mate bond stuff- he was never brought up and had been taught it, the only great memories he had was when he got to spend 10 minutes a week with his grandma.

Taehyung sometimes wonders where she is, sometimes he wonders if he will ever get to see her again.

Authors note: I have a few questions for you all

Do you feel like this book is going to fast?

How are you guys liking the book?

Is there any drama scenes or anything you would like me to add to this book to give me a few ideas on how to keep this book interesting?

Ur comments help so much, so thank you to those who will be giving me suggestions.

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