C H A P T E R 25

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Once we landed on our feet, I took my body out of Arius's grasp and pushed him as hard as I could; him being a 6'10 giant barely moved a muscle when I pushed

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Once we landed on our feet, I took my body out of Arius's grasp and pushed him as hard as I could; him being a 6'10 giant barely moved a muscle when I pushed.

"What the hell is your problem?" I said, angry at him.

Arius ignored me and walked forward toward the enormous castle in front of us. Taking a break from my frustration, I looked around to our new scenery. I noticed that not only had Arius brought me, but Leo and Rissa too. We were under a night sky filled with bright stars and snow lightly falling from the sky. The palace was fitting with the dark theme was the same shade of color as Arius's hair. It was surrounded by a lake where it was in the middle of and the rest of the kingdom was on land. The mountains were all covered in snow, but his castle must have been surrounded by magic because not even a drop landed on the castle.

Following Arius, we walked into the building to see that the rest of the interior matched Arius's aesthetic, black and red. He walked into a large dining room where a woman and man were sitting inside having their dinner. Must have heard us come in. They looked up from their food to us. The woman sitting looked oddly familiar, but I couldn't place where I had seen her before.

"Ari, you didn't tell us we were going to have guests this evening," she said.

Pointing towards us, Arius answered, "Karisa Baros, Leo Baros, and Analise Kade."

He then pointed to the people at the table and said, "Akoni and Allegra Gallus."

Showing for us to sit down, he went to the head of the table to take his seat. Once we were all seated, he flicked his hand to see that a plate of food in front of us. We all warily took a bite, and it surprised me with the different amounts of spices they had in their food. For a few minutes, we all ate in silence before Arius broke the silence.

"Tomorrow you will have to be accepted into my kingdom to stay. We have precautions for outsiders to come here so if not in twenty-four hours you will perish without the bond with the king."

"There's no need, we won't be staying long," I said to him.

"I don't think you understand, if you go back the smoke will begin its search once more," Arius said to me.

"Why don't you tell us what this goddamn smoke is for and then we can all be on our merry way," I said.

Arius clenched his jawline before turning his head towards the couple and asked, "Anything to report?"

"Nope, it has all been smooth sailing since you've been gone," Akoni answered.

"I'm sorry, do I know you from somewhere?" Rissa asked Allegra, staring at her in confusion.

"Oh, I don't think so, you must have mistaken me for my brothers" Allegra answered.

"Brothers?" Leo asked her.

"Sinclair and Adonis Royal."

"Wait, you're the sister they announced?" I asked.

Allegra gave me a quick nod before Rissa pointed at Akoni and said "And you must be the demon spawn."

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