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"I want to double up my courses."

"Eat your breakfast."

"I will keep my credits up, and with some advanced classes, it will be easy to just finish school early."

"Drink more milk, it might help your brain to regain its understanding."

"Allea, I'm serious, this is too easy for me. I promise I'll keep my academic records at the top."

I sighed, we have discussed this countless times, where Kai has urged me to finish his four years of high school in time half or more, but at that time I refused and delayed this topic. I thought once he'll join the school, get familiar, maybe he'll drop this stubbornness of his, but here we are again. This time he has a new thing to busy himself with, in his fast-approaching summer holidays, otherwise, extra-curricular classes never end.

"Kai, I know this is easy for you, but...can't you just spend time steadily in your school years?"

Although I wanted to reprimand him, asking, what about all the social building that comes with being at school, as Kai was already poor at it but didn't say it aloud and changed my words. I just can't berate his confidence like this, because I can understand him and me berating him about something he has no control over would only hurt him and make him self-conscious.

He looked down, and hesitantly mumbled, "I's too boring."

Seeing him avoiding my eyes, I once again sighed, this boy truly knows how to make me agree to his requests, I'm helpless in front of his pitiful actions, "...We'll talk about this later."

"Not again!" With a defeated exclamation, raising his head abruptly but in the next instant, he bowed it further down.

Shaking my head lightly while eating my food, I continued, "Till then I'll tell Ben to arrange your advance classes, we'll see how you handle them."

Lifting his head in surprise, he looked at me with bright blue eyes, and rejoiced, "Okay!"

Narrowing my eyes at this dramatic boy, I vaguely mimicked his elation and pointed toward the breakfast in front of him to finish it soon. Bobbing his head up and down, now in good mood, he dug in.

As I was about to be done, my gaze traveled around to find Jackson. When I came downstairs, Kai told me he already ate and left, thinking about this, I inquired, "Why did Jackson leave the breakfast in such a hurry?"

Swallowing the last bite, Kai explained, "He said going to corporation today with you, so he went to get ready,"


When Kai was wholly done, I walked with him outside the mansion and bid him to his way to school, while all the way boring his little hints to not forget to tell Ben about what I have promised. Resisting my instincts to dishevel his styled hair, I controlled the urge to just push him inside the car and just told the driver to just bring this annoying thing away from me.

Seeing Kai's car driving out, my gaze moved toward the wristwatch to note the time. Impatiently, I moved my eyes toward the main door, and as I was about to turn around and go inside again to call Jackson out when he finally appeared.

For a second, my gaze halted right on his attire, his image, and this moment overlapped with the first time I waited for Jackson outside the mansion, when it was my first day at the corporation.

A smile appeared on my lips, for going to the company he dropped his air of casualness, appearing perfect from tip to toe in his light-brownish three-piece suit, a precise fit to his lean body and making him appear stern and commanding. Raising a brow, I commented, "It feels like looking at the Jackson of years ago."

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