Chapter 15

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"How would you like to style your hair young miss?"

Kelly was an all-around maid.

Whether it was sewing, cooking, hair styling, putting on make-up and choosing accessories, she was good at it.

She's like a professional lady in waiting.

"Ugh... don't style it."

'I'm tired of this.' I just sighed deeply.

"Oh I know! I'll just braid it as flower bun since I haven't done that a long time. Don't worry, it'll only take five minutes."

Her hand then flowed into my hair making me feel like I was getting a massage.

I closed my eyes since it felt really good.

"Done! Look at the mirror young miss."

I can't really picture how it looks like from the back, but I guess it looks good.

"Oh, how stupid of me. Of course you can't see it from the back. I'll get another mirror."

Kelly took a big mirror in order to reflect what my hair looks like from the back.


My hair looked gorgeous.

It looked like a carnation in full bloom designed with colorful jewel beads.

"With this, the young miss will be the most beautiful one in the party."

"Thanks... Let's get going Kelly."

We went out from the room and encountered Justin.

"My Lady. Where are you going?"

"To a tea party."

"I'll go with you."

"But the escort will stay outside the estate.. is that alright with you?"

"It is my duty to protect you my lady. I'll wait for the lady no matter what happens." He remained firm.

'How reliable.'

"Alright. Let's go."

The three of us rode the carriage and arrived at the Seymour estate after twenty-five minutes.

At the Seymour's estate...

"The knight is not allowed. The maid can come with you." The guard stated.

I looked at Justin.

"I'll wait here my lady." He smiled.

'And very understanding. The heroine sure was lucky to have him.'

I nodded at him.

"Let's head inside Kelly."

The door opened and the interior design of the mansion was fabulous.

Luxurious furnitures, customized ceilings, and exceptional walls.

A lady then walked towards us and curtsied.

'Here she comes....'

"Greetings, Lady Moriana. It's nice to meet you." She said.


"It's also a pleasure to meet you Lady Sabrina." I curtsied.

'Look at her. Long hair with pink locks and amber eyes. Now this is what you call an innocent type of villainess.'

"Oh please, the pleasure is all mine." She grinned and her eyes were darting torches.


"Look at the time! Come with me, I'll lead you to the table. The other ladies are also present." She beckoned.

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