Ravens and Butterflies

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Back at the Moors, Maleficent saw a man capture the raven with a net.

"I've got you! You wicked bird!" the human said.

And just as he is about to hurt the raven, Maleficent helps the bird.

"Into a man" she whispers.

And under the net, the raven turns to man.

"It's a...it's a demon!" the man yells, running off in fear.

"What have you done to my beautiful self?" the bird-man spoke.

"Would you rather I let them beat you to death?" Maleficent asked.

"I'm not certain." he responded.

"Stop complaining. I saved your life." Maleficent stated.

"Forgive me." the bird said.

"What do I call you?" the fairy asked the bird.

"Diaval. And in return for saving my life, I am your servant. Whatever you need."

"Wings. I need you to be my wings." Maleficent said.

As they walk back, Maleficent sends the raven to spy of the human kingdom.

"I present to you the first of his line, His Royal Highness King Stefan." Diaval hears.

He flies back to Maleficent to deliver the news.

He finds Maleficent standing above an unconscious fairy he'd never met.

He thought she was a beautiful creature, but noticed her broken wing.

Here, he was turned back to a man and gave his news to Maleficent.

"He did this... to me, to us, so he would be king."

And she let out another powerful blast of green light into the sky, amidst her anger.

"Now what, Mistress?" Diaval askes.

Angrily, she walked straight into the Moors, in front of the other creatures.

"Her wings!" they yell, in horror.

With her magic, she sits at her throne with Diaval aside her, silently declaring herself queen of the Moors.

She became what she herself hated, turning the Moors into a dark, oppressive kingdom.

She swore to get revenge on the man who'd betrayed both her and the fairy she'd fallen for.

Y/n finally woke up to this terrible reality.

When she first awoke, she put the pain aside and went to look for Maleficent.

She tried to take off into flight, but her broken wing caused her to fall back down to the ground. Luckily, she retracted her wings before she hit the ground.

And that would be the last time in very long that her wings were out.

She groans in pain but gets back up.

"Mal! Maleficent! Where are you?!" the fairy yelled out.

Maleficent teleported over to her.

"Your..." she began, seeing her friend's loss of wings.

Maleficent simply nodded at her, and y/n gave her a soft hug, being sure not to hurt her.

"Teach me that" she said.

"Teach you what?" the older fairy asks.

"How you just appeared here, with your magic."

And so Maleficent taught her how to magically jump from one place to another, all while catching her up on the situation.

"Mal, I don't think you should rule the Moors like that. You cannot adopt the wicked ways of the human kingdom" the fairy told Maleficent.

"I'll do whatever I see fit" Maleficent said coldly, surprising y/n.

"But... I thought we were partners" she said, quietly.

"We are not" Maleficent said, using her magic to leave y/n.

Maleficent's love for y/n was buried deep down, whilst her anger and want for vengeance took hold of her, no matter how hard y/n tried to stop it.

One day, y/n finally had enough.

"You need to stop this, Maleficent" she spoke, using her full name.

Maleficent simply didn't respond, remaining in her throne.

"The Moors is not yours to rule. It does not belong to anyone" y/n spoke, bravely.

"Much less someone with such hate in their heart" she continued.

Maleficent scoffed.

"You say I am the one with hate. Do you forget of the man who tore my wings off and burned a hole into your body?!" she yelled, angrily pushing her to the ground with her magic.

The inhabitants of the Moors looked on in shock, having never seen Maleficent hurt y/n before.

Y/n looked back at Maleficent with a look of hurt that crushed the love that Maleficent had buried.

Then, y/n used her magic to teleport away.

She would no longer live with the cursed fairy, hellbent on revenge.

Walking, she found a beautiful blue butterfly, with wings much like her own.

"Into a man" she spoke.

And with that, the butterfly transformed into a taller, blonde woman.

Y/n's eyes widened, and she used her magic to conjure up clothes for the butterfly.

"What? Are you surprised? Butterflies can be female you know." she said, with a slight French accent.

"And why would you do that to me?" she asked.

"You are aware that your species of butterflies only lives about 3 weeks?" y/n said.

"I suppose you saved me then" the butterfly said, admiring the beautiful fairy in front of her.

"I suppose I did, didn't I?" the fairy responded, with a small smile.

"What do I call you?" she asked the butterfly.

"Sapphire." she responded, instantly.

Y/n understood the name, as it quite literally meant blue.

"And in return for saving my life, I am your servant. Whatever you need."

"A friend. I simply need a friend. But you are free to go if you wish." said the fairy.

The butterfly smiled at the lonely fairy, and soon, the two became great friends.

She'd lost her overly trusting self after she'd been betrayed by both of her old friends, who'd been lost to power and vengeance.

But she managed to put her trust in the butterfly.

And after two years, the two became lovers of sorts, being quite intimate, but y/n never forgot of Maleficent.

Maleficent never visited or went to look for y/n, but she did send Diaval as a raven to check on her, unbeknownst to y/n.

One day, he flew in on them cuddling with one another.

"I love you, my little butterfly" said the butterfly to the fairy.

"I love you too Saf" y/n responded, cuddling into the taller woman.

Diaval reported on his findings, making Maleficent shake with anger and jealousy.

The love left in her heart was now gone, and she vowed to never love again.

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