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excuse mistakes

"You want some water?" Ja'Kye asked Dior with a worried look on his face. He was scared to even talk to her right now, he had never seen her so emotional and angry.

Dior shook her head staring at the double doors. "I just need to know that she ok." She mumbled, leg shaking up and down.

"I just can't understand why she was out there...alone. Where are her parents?" Dior spoke wiping her cheek.

"Excuse me ma'am I'm with the department of social services, may I have a word?" A older looking lady said approaching Dior.

"Uh, sure." Dior sniffled looking at Ja'Kye.

"I'm Ms.Tolbert, I've just been assigned to the little girl who was brought in from two gun shot wounds. I've been informed that you were the one who found her. Can you tell me how?"

"I was taking a short cut through the alley because my apartment is literally right on the side of it. I spotted her walking around by herself and then all of a sudden gunshots went off, before I could shield her she had already been hit." Dior explained smoothly wiping her cheek once again.

"And how did you get to the hospital?" Ms.Tolbert frowned.

"I flagged a car down and asked for help, and she brought me here." Dior lied.

"Ok, and if I may ask is that your boyfriend in the waiting room?" Ms.Tolbert asked.

"Yes ma'am, I immediately called him because I was scared and I wanted him to be here with me." Dior sniffled.

"Well on behalf of Department of child and protective services, I would like to personally thank you for saving that little girl's life." Ms.Tolbert nodded writing down notes.

"S-So she's ok?" Dior asked with hopeful eyes.

"Yes ma'am. She got out of surgery a hour ago. I just needed to process her into the system and get some additional information from you. The doctors aren't allowed to give out information about a child under the age of 17 especially if the child is unclaimed. Just safety precautions."

"Can we please see her? I-I just wanna tell her something." Dior pleaded.

Ms.Tolbert's heart warmed at the woman in front of her. It wasn't a everyday thing to see someone care about a child.

"I'll let you in, but I'll be right outside to supervise." Ms.Tolbert smiled.

Dior let out a sigh in relief and said a quick prayer to thank God.

"Get up, we're about to go see her." Dior told Ja'Kye.

Ja'Kye stood to his feet and picked up Mr.Tubby who was sitting in the seat beside him.

"I posed to bring this li bear?" Ja'Kye asked about to throw it away in the nearby trash.

"Ja'Kye make me slap you, why would you throw it away. Hold it and don't let nothing happen to it." Dior mugged.

She was still pissed that he let someone carelessly be out in the streets.

Ms.Tolbert led Kye and Dior up to Sahara's room in the pediatric wing and allowed them in the room, as she stood on the outside.

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