Chapter 18

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*Ok I just wanna let you know that some chapters will be written instead of instagram post style because it helps add more to the story. I hope this makes sense and you understand :)*

After Draco left Blaise on seen, he turned his attention back onto the boy who was sitting across from him at their table in the cafe. Draco thought he looked adorable, though he would never tell anyone that. His messy raven hair in silky curls on top of his head, his glasses slightly crooked on his small, pretty face, and those beautiful green eyes that Draco thinks are beautiful, staring back at him.

"I'll order it for you," Draco sighed with a smile.

"Thank youuuuu," Harry smiled, unaware of how cute Draco found it.

Once Draco sat back down at the table from ordering the milkshake, he noticed an awkward silence that hung over the table.

"So, do you wanna do something after this?" He blurted out before he could stop himself

"I- I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to." He then quickly added but Harry just smiled softly at him.

"I'd love to hang out with you after this," Harry said.

"O-oh. Ok," Draco said, pleased with himself that he managed to ask Harry to hang out for longer.

"What do you want to do then?" Draco asked as the waitress came and put Harry's milkshake on the table.

"Can we go back to your place? I'm a bit tired now after chasing you around for my glasses," Harry laughed

"Um, sure," Draco responded, he was surprised that Harry felt comfortable enough to go to his house, he'd never been there before.

Draco then looked up from his hands which were playing with each other nervously, to Harry's eyes again. He realised what the other boy was doing. Harry had put two straws into the milkshake and was pushing it between the two. Draco smiled at how sweetly cliche this is before taking a sip of the milkshake from his straw.

After they finished their milkshake, Draco led the way back to where he lives. He was nervous though, he knew as soon as they got there, Harry would ask questions. So, he spent the whole walk home thinking about his answers.

About fifteen minutes later, they arrived at an apartment. A fancy apartment which looked like a hotel. Draco unlocked the front door and sure enough, Harry started to ask questions.

"Are you sure your parents won't mind that I'm here?" He asked as he looked at the living room that was extremely fancy and modern.

"Yep." Draco responded as if he was bored while putting his house keys back on the marble breakfast bar in his kitchen.

"Where is everyone?" Harry asked, noticing the silence in the apartment.

"Not here." Draco responded. He wasn't trying to be rude, it's just that everyone asks these questions when they first come over and he's bored of explaining it all.

"Oh." Harry responded before standing in the hall awkwardly waiting for Draco to lead the way to wherever they were going to sit.

Draco then smiled lightly at Harry before leading the way to his bedroom. In fact, it's the only bedroom in the apartment.

"Do you live alone? Sorry, I will stop asking questions if you want." Harry said his last question as if it had to be said extremely carefully and quickly.

"It's fine. And yes. I do live alone." Draco sighed, sitting down on his bed and patting the empty spot next to him where Harry then sat down.

"My family isn't exactly the best at getting along. My dad is horrible and treats me like I'm a disappointment. My mum is nicer to me, but when I told her to leave my dad since she isn't even happy with him, she said she didn't want to. Around a year and a half ago, I had enough and so I said if my mum doesn't leave him then I would. So I did. My mum sends me money so I can live here and go to school and stuff, but I only see them like once a month when my dad decides he misses shouting at me." Draco explained quickly.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that." Harry said quietly.

"It's fine, it's just life, right?" Draco laughed half heartedly.

"No, it's not fine!" Harry said, not angrily, he said it calmly but somehow fiercely too.

"Honestly, Harry, no one cares anyways," Draco laughed again.

"I care..." Harry said in a quiet voice.

"What?" Draco asked, his words almost in audible.

"I said I care. I care about you. I don't want you to be alone all the time and have a bad family." Harry said honestly.

"Well, luckily, I have friends like Pansy, Blaise, and you who make me happy," Draco smiled, mainly because he didn't want to upset Harry.

The word 'friend' stung Harry like a bee. He didn't show it though, he just smiled back.

"So, what do you wanna do?" Harry decided to change the topic to something more fun and Draco was grateful for this.

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