Creepy Bedroom

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In my childhood home, my bedroom was on the second floor. Only one window, but it was a nice sized one. I was about 12 and my sister shared the room with me but was at her dads that night.

I was getting ready for bed, my mom had me getting my pajamas and stuff ready or whatever, but the room was dark and I hated when that happened because I’d have to walk across the room to turn the light on and it always scared me (used a lamp that was set up on the other side near the window and the light switch by the door wasn’t connected to anything).

Walked over to switch it on and I SWEAR, saw this human-like type thing (can’t even fathom how else to describe it) staring in my bedroom from outside my window. It looked like it was fucking tinted blue. It's face was unlike anything I’ve ever seen in any movie or literally anything else before.

I was on the second floor too and still somehow saw it so clearly that I remember telling my mom it was like it was floating. Again, it wasn’t too late and I wasn’t even close to being asleep at this point, so it definitely wasn’t a dream or anything like that. I KNEW I saw something and it always stuck with me.

I stood and stared at it for a solid few seconds too before bolting the fuck out of there because I felt paralyzed. I remember feeling it stare back at me too.

I REFUSED to sleep in my bedroom for about a whole year after that and pretty much moved into the living room and stayed the fuck away from windows.

Every time I think about it now, 10+ years later, I still get a little freaked out. I still always need to make sure every part of all my windows are completely covered by my blinds at night. I’ve only told my now fiancé about this (other than my family when I was a kid) but wasn’t able to explain it properly to him either.

Obviously I know that this sounds/is completely ridiculous but I’ve still never been able to explain it or the feeling it gave me.

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