「 Chapter 18 」

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"And you know he keeps a calendar for my periods? I pretended like I didn't notice it but I was so embarrassed. I mean I guess it's kind of sweet that he cares that much about me- Mittens? Where are you going?" Madeline perched herself up the edge of the tub to look at the cat, who was just sitting on the counter a few seconds ago. "I was talking to you. It's really rude to just leave in the middle of a conversation like that. I know you're just a cat, but still."

The girl watched curiously as he frantically ran around the large bathroom, before jumping into the laundry basket and hiding under the clothes. "What a strange cat," She thought, standing up. Now that the animal was out of sight, she could finally get out of the tub without anyone looking at her.

Or so she thought.

Matthew barged into the bathroom, sniffing around. "Where is it?"

With a scream, Madeline quickly covered herself with her hands and sat back down in the bubble-filled tub, her cheeks flaming with mortification.

"What are you doing!?"

"I can smell it. I know that cat's in here somewhere."

"Will you get out? You can't just come in here when I'm bathing." She sank further down until her chin was submerged in the water, praying the bubbles were providing enough coverage.

"So a cat is allowed to watch you bathe, but your own mate can't?"

Her face turned impossibly redder. "Wha- It's just a cat. That's different. Now get out, please?"

"It's not 'just a cat', that thing is a spirit trapped inside a cat, and it's trying to possess you."

Madeline blinked once. Then twice. "... Are you feeling okay Matthew? I think you're going insane."

He sent her a glare. "I am not going insane, that cat is clearly not normal. I have to get rid of it before it does something bad to you." Opening the bathroom cabinets, he began searching for the feline.

"Mittens is not going to do something bad to me. Sometimes he acts a bit weird, but he is a precious little baby."

Matthew rolled his eyes, walking over to the laundry basket. Before she could stop him, he grabbed it and flipped it over, dumping out all the dirty clothes. Sure enough, the cat fell out, hissing angrily at the man in front of him.

"Here you are, you little demon." He reached down to grab it, only to get scratched by the vicious animal. For a split second, he winced in pained, but the cuts healed right away. "It's going to take a lot more than that to hurt me."

Before he could reach for the cat again, Mittens took off in a sprint, dashing out of the bathroom. Matthew grumbled in irritation and ran after him.

Once they left, Madeline sighed, glad to finally be alone. After getting out and putting on her clothes, she looked out the bedroom window, seeing a small cat was running towards the forest, followed by a large black wolf.


"You can't kill Mittens."

Matthew was holding the cat by its scruff while it flailed around violently. "I have to. You should be glad I stopped him before he got into your body."

"You don't have any proof that he's an evil spirit. What if he really is just an innocent kitty?"

They looked at the cat, who was now baring its fangs and hissing at him.

"Does it look innocent to you?"

Madeline fought back the urge to laugh. "He's just grumpy because you're carrying him like that. Let me hold him."

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