Bats and Butterflies.

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When I emerge on the other side of the door, I half expect gunfire. I raise my weapon, it shakes as it's ridiculously heavy in my hands. However, when I look out onto the sea of cop cars- every single cop is facing the other way.

A dull roar, rather a series of high pitched screeches ring out all at once into the silent night, all eyes fixated on it's origin.

"What the..."
A terrified voice screams. Then it comes. A thick cloud of black smoke, slithering, screeching, clamoring smoke. I stare for a moment, dumbfounded at what I'm seeing. Yet, as it overtakes cops, cop cars and vans, as it hurdles towards me- it's clearly an army of pitch black air born bats.

They ransack everything, and I can barely hear the terrified yell of the men around me over their ear splitting song. I dive over the side of the stairs, crashing into a thick cover of bushes. I hear glass break and more men begin to scream.

I don't have time to even think. I just have to go.

Inside the bushes im safe, not a single bat attempts to touch me. But Crane-

I curse under my breath once more and haul myself out into the cool air. Cold, clammy, sticky bats slap into my arms and legs. It's almost completely pitch in the Arkham yard as I fight my way through the colony of bats. Then suddenly it's the smell that over takes me- mildew mixed with something even more organic. I stifle a gag and push on.

Finally I reach the basement. The bats begin to dissipate, their screams fade. I shoot three shots down into the basement window. The unbelievable recoil of the gun pushes me back and my aim is increasingly worse with each shot; but somehow I shatter the glass. I drop to my stomach and crawl forward- dropping my gun onto the cement floor with a loud clang, then hosting myself down onto the cement as well. The adrenaline coursing through my body stifles the fear. I pick up the gun and I run. Through the dusty double doors and out onto the framed balcony.

Below, crane is slumped against a corner. His eyes shut, his body limp. My breath catches in my throat.

Please no- please-
I rush down the metal steps to meet him; gun still in hand. But not a single person is around, aside from a few dead guards.

"Dr. Crane?"
My voice trembles.

I stick my fingers to his neck and look for a pulse; finally, I find it. His heart is beating faster than I knew was possible; but he's alive.

I beg.

I wrap my arms around his midsection, a whiff of strong metallic serum overtakes me and I step back. I swallow hard and try again. I haul him upward, grunting with the effort.

His eyes open slightly, and he looks young again.

He says, his voice sleep soaked.

A rare smile creeps across his lips and sends butterflies into my stomach.

Oh Jonathan.

"I'm going to get you out of here,"
I promise; without a clue as to how.

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