🌙31|More problems

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 Sighing, I turned to him in irritation. "What is it now?" I asked banging the locker door. It took him a moment of contemplation to speak after folding his lips. "You have to stay away from Adrian. He's up to kill you." Pressing the back of my fingers over my forehead, I rolled my eyes at his answer.

"If that's all, I'll take my leave," I added. Throwing my bag behind me, I resumed walking. He quickly turned around rolling in tongue in hesitation. With a serious look, he screamed, stopping me at my tracks by the locker room entrance.

As his latter words rang though my ears, I swiftly turned to face him with wavery eyes. "What did you say-"

  "I know you asked me to stop following you. But I'm not dumb not to notice that he's Max too, a vampire, and so is the one pursuing you." Trembling over my grip on the shoulder pad of my bag, I moved a step towards him in surprise. "How did you find out?"

He heaved a sigh and passed his fingers through his hair. "There's a scar on his neck. It's obvious to me because I studied on them back in elementary school." He remained silent for a moment and decided to walk up to me. As he bit his lip, he looked into my eyes.

"That day by the burnt cottage. Remember there were some weird noises in the bushes. To avoid being noticed, I slipped a rabbit out on time." When I looked up, I remembered Max checking the bushes when he heard a noise. So it's true he was following us.

"I didn't mention my investigations because I knew you wouldn't believe me. With Tricia's death, I'm sure you're doubting him too." Fidgeting with my lips, I turned away from him without answering. "I'm not going to believe you like before-"

"-You have to believe me this time. All of this is a plan between those two. He's a vampire after all. Would he be content with just being around you? For crying out loud!"

"That's none of your business. You know nothing about how I survived all these years."

He threw a gaze around when he heard someone's footsteps getting closer. "It's all probably part of their plan. How do you think Ian can access the items without getting someone attached to you? Don't you find it weird that he's always there to save you? Do you think Ian can't defeat a low leveled vampire like him?"

  Taking in a deep breath, he continued, glaring into my eyes consistently. "I know I didn't step in when he attacked you on Payprus Street. I was too scared to fight him alone. I've been trying to get the police on my side, but no one believes me."

I lifted my head and shook my head, closing my eyes. "I'm not going to believe you this time!"

"You have to! Why do you think Kate was distant and acting strangely before she died? Did he tell you where is was on the day she died? You can ask him. He followed you and befriended you on his orders. What did he survive on all these years?

He has your daily route and he knows your school. But he wants to do it carefully with Adrian's help. Please don't trust him. 

My thoughts strayed as I shook my head in disapproval. "Shut up! You're lying!" I debated. "He's the only one who knew where your mom's cottage was. How do you think Ian found it and burnt the cottage?

 And he approached you as two different guys! Come on! Can't you see? He's reaping benefits from Ian by gaining your trust. I'm sure he'll ask for the items soon. Tricia also died but his whereabouts weren't known. Your fingerprints are also on the body. I know you wouldn't do that. He pinned his murders on you! When will you see the truth?! Where is he now? He left you to the press!" Unable to take his words on any longer, I screamed at him and stepped back.

"I said shut up! Stop talking. I don't want to listen anymore!" Hearing my sharp echoing scream, he became silent. Folding his lips, he let out a sigh. "I'm looking out for you. We have to figure out how to take the blame of you. But first, you'll have to leave the country. I'll help you."

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