Chapter 21 : "just friends?"

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You say we're just friends,

but I swear when nobody's around,

you keep my hand around your neck,

we connect, are you feeling it now?

'Cause I am.

- Better : Khalid

{Echo pov}

"I told him that we can't be more than friends. I don't want to hurt him again. Besides, he's probably going to find someone else anyways."

"I don't want to overstep but... is that what you really want? Don't you think you're hurting him by not telling him?" Layla asked.

"I...I don't know what I want, honestly I'm just confused. He came here, looking for me, suddenly confessing his love, and I'm just supposed to accept him? Apart from my cancer, I don't think a relationship would do me any good now, I don't know if I can trust him. Being friends is one thing, but being in a relationship just makes it all the more complicated, and I don't want that with Levi.

"Give the guy a chance, Echo. He loves you, I can testify for that. I watched him overcome his depression, and all he ever wanted was to find you, tell you he loves you. Not telling him about your cancer, can only complicate the friendship even more. Think about it, hmm?"

I sighed, "Alright, I will. Thanks Layla. I miss you, can't wait to see you soon!"

"Me too, see you soon! Take care, alright."

I knew I had to tell him sooner or later, he had to know. But, I guess I just wanted him to see me as, well, me, and not "the Echo that had a disease and might probably die". I didn't want him to pity me. I sighed, getting ready for my day at school.

"Good morning!" Nick chirped.

"Hi, Nick! Good morning!" I smiled at him, placing my coffee on my table.

"You look tired. Is everything okay?" He asked.

"I am, rough night, that's it." I assured him.

He nodded, saying "Come on, we're actually pretty late to class". He looked at his watch.

We went to our respective classes, and as usual the day went pretty fast. I love my job, it's a dream to be teaching the subject I love best. To think that I would have to stop working here one day, scares me, and that one day could be pretty soon.

"I'll take you home. You look too worn out to walk back home all by yourself. I brought my car, let's go." Nick offered, while we were walking out of the teacher's room, towards the exit.

"Echo!" I heard a familiar voice call from behind me.

I turned to see Levi.

"Levi! Hi..what are you doing here?" I asked, confused how he knew where I was teaching, realisation hit me when I remembered I told him where I taught the other day when we had lunch.

He came closer to me and put his arm around my shoulder, "Let's go for dinner! I'm hungry, let's go!" The sudden contact gives me goosebumps, I remember the days I used to watch him do this to Sierra. I quickly shake out of those thoughts.

Nick watched our interaction closely, and Levi practically looked him up and down, before looking back at me.

"Levi, Nick. Nick, Levi" I said, introducing them. Why were they giving weird looks to each other, ugh boys.

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