Lottie Claims Thomas

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Thomas fidgeted under Lord Greyville's piercing blue stare as they stood alone in the stables the next morning. The horses at Lambton Castle were well known throughout England for their excellent pedigrees and Thomas had to admit that the reputation was warranted.

Lord Greyville began slowly. "You want to... work. Here? In my stables?"

"After I found Miss Lottie at the mill last year, Lady Greyville offered me work. I... was detained for a time, but now I am here and humbly ask that ye uphold her offer," Thomas said, wishing for all the world he could be somewhere else. His eyes kept flitting to the castle where he knew Lottie would be.

Lord Greyville leaned heavily upon his cane and sighed. "When Fidelia told me about the young man who saved our Lottie, I never would have guessed it was you. Thomas, do you not understand who you are? Who your father is?"

"My father and I want nothing to do with each other. After I returned from the war on the continent, my father declared me dead to him. All I wish now is to survive," Thomas shrugged and patted the nose of a pretty dun-colored mare who hung her head over her stall door. "Please, Lord Greyville."

"We're childhood friends, Thomas, the least you can do is call me 'William.' We are equals after all." William frowned at his companion and Thomas shrugged sheepishly.

William continued. "But why here? Surely there are less conspicuous places to find employment. What if someone recognizes you?" William asked. A cart drawn by two large mules creaked to a halt outside the stable doors and men began to unload several boxes and a few small barrels.

Thomas moved closer to William and lowered his voice as they watched the workman. He folded his arms as he said, "Lord Campbell has brought Catriona with him to your house party to try and arrange a marriage for her."

"Ah," William nodded with understanding. "You wish to keep an eye on her."

And Lottie, Thomas added silently, but he dared not voice the feelings that were beginning to grow within him for William's sister-in-law. "Catriona was only a child when I left for war, so I do not fear that she will recognize me. The same applies to everyone else who may have the opportunity to recognize me. There's something suspicious about Lord Campbell's plan for her... I should at least try to protect her if I can. I owe her that much."

The workmen finished and set off again. William stamped his heavy cane and reached out to shake Thomas's hand. "Although I believe this is far below your station, I understand your plight. I will help you as best as I can. It's the least I can do for the friend who rescued me from more scrapes that I can count during our time at Eton. Besides, I needed a good stablemaster," he said with a wink. "It'll be fun to see you covered in horse manure."

As Thomas accepted the handshake with a laugh, a bright voice interrupted them.

"William? Have my supplies arrived? I heard Cook say that she directed the workman down here—" Lottie broke off as she rounded the stable doors and paused, her golden-blond hair pulled up into a messy bun and secured with a ragged scarf.

Thomas's breath snagged in his throat and he suddenly felt too warm for the chilly winter morning. "Hello, Miss Lottie."

"Thomas!" she grinned and ran to meet him. Thomas and William both grunted with surprise when she threw her arms around the Scotsman.

"Lottie," William muttered and poked her with his cane. "Show a little propriety, please. He is 'Mr. Hawthorne' to you."

Lottie lifted her head away from Thomas's chest and smirked at William with a teasing glint in her eye. "He's 'Thomas' to me now. He's promised to be my guinea pig for inventions. He says he belongs to me now."

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