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Sara woke up to the feeling of warm sunlight streaming through the window and hitting her face. She sat up on the bed and let out a deep sigh, still reeling from the events of the previous night when Raimon had bitten her.

She looked down at her hand and was relieved to see that it was now healed, with only two small marks left to remind her of the bite.

Sara's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening, and Maira walked into the room with a small smile on her face. "Good morning, miss," she greeted Sara.

"Good morning, Maira," Sara replied softly. Maira reminded Sara that she needed to get ready for college, and Sara nodded her head in agreement.

As Maira turned to leave the room, Sara couldn't resist asking her a question that had been on her mind since she woke up. "Maira?" she called out.

"Yes, miss?" Maira responded. Sara hesitated for a moment before asking.

"Who treated my wound?" She couldn't remember anything after Raimon had bitten her, and the fact that her hand was now healed was puzzling her.

"It was me. Master Raimon asked me to treat your wound. Does it hurt anywhere else?" Maira replied. Sara shook her head as no, and Maira left the room. Sara couldn't help but wonder why Raimon had asked Maira to treat her wound.

Raimon told them to treat my wound...

Sara suddenly noticed that the pain in her neck from the previous night's bites had disappeared, along with any pain in the rest of her body. She couldn't help but wonder if Raimon had instructed Maira to treat all of her wounds.

She briefly pondered this thought but quickly pushed it aside and got ready for college. As she was driven to college, nothing seemed out of the ordinary until she stepped out of the car and was abruptly grabbed by the wrist by a familiar face, Alvin.

Without any explanation, Alvin started dragging her along with him. Sara was confused and asked, "Alvin... where are you taking me?"

Alvin stopped and pulled her closer to him, "Listen here, I want you to pretend to be my girlfriend for a while," he said sternly.

Sara was shocked and asked, "What? But why?" Alvin's answer surprised her even more.

"So other girls can stay away from me. Got it?" he said, leaving Sara with no choice but to nod in agreement.

"Good. Now come with me like a real girlfriend," he said, and they made their way to their class. Sara couldn't help but feel like all eyes were on her as they walked through the corridors, especially the girls who seemed to be glaring at her.

Sara felt awkward during her classes as Alvin was sitting right beside her the whole time. She felt relieved when lunch break came and she was finally able to sit with her friend Nora.

During their conversation, Nora asked Sara, "Is this true that you are dating Alvin?" Sara didn't know how to respond and simply said yes.

Nora teased her with a smile and said, "So, you got a hot guy, hmm...?" Sara returned the smile, but it was tight-lipped.

After getting some lunch, Sara headed to the library to write some extra notes. She found a peaceful corner and began writing silently.

"What are you doing here?" Suddenly, she was startled by a manly voice that made her scream. When she looked beside her, she saw Alvin sitting there.

Alvin enjoyed seeing the expression on Sara's face when he startled her. "You startled me," she whispered.

Not getting an answer to his question, he repeated his question, "What are you doing here?" When Sara timidly replied.

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