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Mike's POV

Justin's been avoiding me, somehow.

A week after I gave him the white coconut rocks, he stopped coming to school for a few weeks. 

He stopped answering my calls and when I knocked on the front door to his house, anyone but him opened it saying that he didn't want to talk to anyone. Apparently, he's going through some stuff. 

What stuff? No one was telling me.

When he came back to attending school, Hope was there every time. Mrs. Rose stopped me from recording any more files and instead, now sat Grace.

When I tried to talk to him alone, he either ignored me and walked away with his stick tapping around or called Hope even if it was during classes. It was getting to me.

Hope and Justin didn't sit at the cafeteria for anymore and when I tried to follow them around, Hope somehow always found out and threatened me that she'll file a case on me for stalking, which was, unfortunately, exactly what I was doing.

The principal called me during the second day of Justin's return and told me that he'd reward me with the points he promised but he didn't want me to 'have-to help Justin' anymore. 

I didn't care. I didn't want the points. 

I wanted Justin's attention back.

I haven't been sleeping well, all my thoughts somehow connected to him. My mind raced when I'm ready to sleep and however much I tried to relax and shut the light-out for the day, it wouldn't stop. 

His smile, his deep breath laughs, his face, the empty yet so much emotions filled eyes, his blushes and his red ears. Everything about him haunted me.

No matter how hard I scrunched my eyes frowning, yelling at my head to fall asleep, he wouldn't leave me alone.

Then eating became another problem. I started making all kind of different colored coconut rocks. I loved making it. 

Making it reminded me how much Justin'd enjoyed it when I made them. I made most of them pink, all kinds of pink since I found out the different tastes and concentration. A drop would bring the perfect pink while two brought out hot pink. Half a drop would make baby pink. 

Every time I made them, I wondered what pink he'd like. Why didn't I ask him?

Lara loved my cooking episodes. She ate them even though mum ended up making our neighbor sell them all. She didn't ask what my problem is, which kind of bothered me, but she didn't say anything to stop me from buying bags after bags of dried coconut.

I stopped eating breakfast because I'd be too busy wondering if Justin would talk to me all of a sudden. If he would finally answer my calls.

Overall, I was going crazy.

When Janet found out, she told Sam which resulted me in pointless friends night-out and breakfast get-togethers. They asked what was wrong and one day, today, Janet found out the reason. She was spot on and it hit me hard.

"Why is he ignoring you Mike? What happened?"

I didn't look up at them. It was Janet, Sam, Jake - another friend of mine who usually showed up for the parties and Peter, the soccer player. He got stuck with us because Janet's his best friend.

"Tell us now Mike or I swear I'm going to punch you hard."

"Babe, don't be so violent," Sam patted her back.

I rolled my eyes. "I would tell you if I knew."

They responded with silence. Finally. 

I stared at the muffin in front of me. I didn't want it. My stomach didn't want it too. I was actually trying not to puke at it. I teared my eyes away from it.

Love Gaze [BxB] | ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang