Chapter 1

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As I kneel, I lay the white lilies on the two graves. Mom loved lilies, I muse, my eyes tracing the familiar inscriptions on the faded gray stone.

Kathryn Hale. Loving mother and wife. 1970-2008.

Steve Hale. Loving father and husband. 1970-2010.

Drawing in a shaky breath, I sink to my knees on the ground. The grass tickles my fingers as I stare at the stones.

My mom died seven years ago when my brother and I were young; I'd been eleven, and Mason, my brother, had been ten. A year later, Dad remarried; a stepmother and a stepsister came with this marriage. To me, that was scary. Every story I'd ever read portrayed stepmothers and stepsisters as bad; these two were no exception.

They were, and still are, pure evil.

A year after the marriage, someone murdered my dad, and everything went downhill from there. My stepmother took over the household and my and Mason's lives. The step-monster- as we call her- is lazy and entitled. Our stepsister is a mini version of her mother, taking every chance she can to make our lives miserable.

One year, I remind myself.

One year until I turn eighteen, which means only one year until I can take Mason to get emancipated and take him away from this toxic household.

I don't know if I have enough proof for both of us to get emancipated, but if I'm legally an adult, I can be who and what Mason needs for his emancipation. I just have to wait a little longer to take us out of our unpleasant situation.

For the last two years, I've been reading up on what it takes to get emancipated.

If someone wants to get emancipated, they must be sixteen, have parent/guardian permission, and there's usually a court hearing.

Of course, my stepmother wouldn't give us permission, which is why I'm trying to wait until I turn eighteen to try anything. We would need proof of abuse, neglect, or some other form of a critical household situation. Which, of course, we see every day, but seeing it and proving it are two different things.

Out of the things I've gathered, I'm not sure I have enough of a case. It's mine and Mason's word against my stepmother's and stepsister's word.

"I thought I might find you here," Mason calls out from behind me.

I turn, noticing his outfit, and smile. "You're wearing the beanie I got you," I mention, pointing at his head. The sixteen-year-old tilts his head, a crooked smile beaming back at me before he takes a seat next to me.

"Hey, Mom. Dad," Mason murmurs once his eyes settle on the gray stones. I grab Mason's hand and squeeze it. It's been hard living with the step-monster and her demon child. We both hate it, but neither of us can do anything because of the looming threat of being separated. We always remind each other to keep our cool and be patient.

Sometimes patience is the hardest thing in the world.

"We should get to school," Mason suggests after a pause of silence. I sigh and nod.

School. The only other place I hate more than home. Lexi, the demon spawn, has it in her head that she rules the school. Lexi and her boyfriend, Lucas, are horrible. They gang up on me, making school a living hell.

I try to keep everything away from Mason, but Lexi always finds a way through the cracks. This year will be different, and I remind myself, I'll keep Mason safe and happy.

"Come on. Don't wanna be late, sis," Mason says, cutting through my thoughts. He climbs to his feet, towering over me, and holds out a hand. I take his hand and let Mason pull me to my feet.

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