Chapter 13 - The Wedding

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🎶 Dilbaro

Published on 17.04.2021

● A U T H O R ●

"Surprisingly, you actually look pretty." Aarohi said to herself looking at her reflection in the mirror. It has to be one of those rare occasions where she felt like complimenting herself on her physical appearance. She was impressed how a sufficient amount of makeup, some fancy accessories and a beautiful dress could make a hell lot of difference in someone's looks.

She was ready for her wedding day.

Her family entered her room and smiled in satisfaction when their eyes fell on Aarohi. Rachna did a small ritual to ward off evil eyes and then kissed her forehead. Aarohi closed her eyes basking in all the warmth and affection.

Her parents, Rakesh and Rachna couldn't have been more happier for their daughter. Aarohi was honest, straightforward, even blunt who would speak up against wrong irrespective of it being related to her or not and someone who did as her heart wished to. They feared that these qualities would land her in trouble or she would have to change herself to fit in but the Agarwal family accepted her just the way she was with open arms and no complaints. What more could a girls parents ask for?

Aarohi looked at her father and her heart sank when she saw tears in his eyes. "Papa," she called out, her voice meek and vulnerable.

Her father took her hands in his and spoke, "I'm not very expressive but I do love you a lot. I hope you know that." Aarohi nodded her head frantically at that.

"I always wanted the best for you because I know you're the best and are capable of great things. And now, I couldn't ask for a better family and life partner for you. I'm so happy for you Aaru." Rakesh said blessing her.

Aarohi wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his chest. It had been long since her father called her by her nickname 'Aaru' and she felt too emotional to say anything.

"Thank heavens, the family doesn't carry orthodox thoughts or else they would've had to bear your wrath just like your dadi." Her father joked remembering how a 13 year old Aarohi snapped at her paternal grandmother because she said that girls should get married before 25 and should not compete with boys and restrict themselves to the duties of a wife and daughter in law. That was the last time she talked to Aarohi. Not that Aarohi cared much. She wasn't too fond of the lady herself.

Aarohi felt a surge of warmth seeping through her. This moment, this little confession of her father made her sentimental. She did have a lot of complaints from her parents but everything seemed to cease at that moment. It was the first time when her father had expressed himself so much to her, he even said that she's the best and she wished she could replay this moment innumerable times like a broken record or just pause time because this was the best achievement and reward she had received in her life. The most precious one, her most favorite one.

Unwrapping her arms, she glanced behind to see her younger brother facing away from the scene with arms crossed across his chest. She walked to him and softly murmured, "Armaan".

One word from his sister's mouth and he gave up the facade, hugging her tightly as if his life depended on her. He sniffed. "Shh. Armaan." She tried to coax him. "I don't wanna die before I get married." She said lightly referring to his grip around her.

"Dii." He whined before pulling himself away from her.

"I hate you." He grumbled.

"Tell me something new." Aarohi chuckled humorlessly.

"After 12th, you went to hostel for MBBS, then you were away for internship and when you came back, you left us again by shifting and now you're leaving us again.....forever." He said gloomily as a lone tear escaped his eyes.

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