Chapter 45

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21st Century

Laying stilled on the bed was a pale body belong to a young woman. Her body were full of wires which is a life support machine. At the end of the bed, details of the lady were stated on a board. Undoubtedly, she is Li Wei Wei.

In the patient's chart, it was stated that she is in comatose due to lack of oxygen. Li Wei Wei was found by her friend when she visited Li Wei Wei. Song Jia Qi tried to wake her up but she was completely unmoved.

Song Jia Qi screamed for help and that's how Li Wei Wei was hospitalised. It has been a week since she is admitted to the hospital. Doctor couldn't actually diagnose her disease as she is healthy.

Her mother, Mrs Chen has been taking care of her daughter since day one she is sick. She couldn't stop praying for her daughter. She regret not checking on her whether she eat well or not.

Suddenly, a small movement averting Mrs Chen attention to it. It was Li Wei Wei's hand. She thought she is imagining things but when her finger move again shocked Mrs Chen. Is her daughter finally coming to her sense?

"Wei Wei!" Mrs Chen exclaimed. She press tge button to call the doctor.

Eyes fluttering open very slowly. Her whole body was numb. She feel so tired. Li Wei Wei can hear someone called her. But she did not pay attention on it.

She is trying her best to open her eyes. Eyelid started to open and a brightness of the lamp hurt her eyes. Quickly close it before she try to open it again.

A doctor and two nurse went into her room. The doctor picked some equipment to check on her. The doctor is one of her senior. He take out his flashlight pen. The main purpose of a penlight is to assess pupil response.

A sudden bright light shone into her eyes making her squirm a bit. Her pupil moves to avoid the light.

"I will check her further. But we should thanked the god she finally woke up from coma." The doctor said to Mrs. Chen.

"Thank you doctor! Thank you doctor!" Mrs. Chen bow many times.

"Water.." Her spoke in a hoarse tone. She feel so thirsty.

Mrs. Chen rushed to pour water in a small glass for her daughter. Putting a straw in it to make it easier for her to drink it.

"Mom.. Why am I at the hospital?"

While her mom talking to her senior, she had the time to access her surrounding. And she realize that she is at the hospital.

Her mother explain everything in a simple way so she didn't hurt her mind. Indeed, she couldn't remember anything else except that the last time she remember was that she slept after reading the book.

'How did I ended up here? And why do my heart feel like it was in a great pain?'

Li Wei Wei feel extremely uncomfortable. Grabbing her heart, a pain strike through it. Her eyes throbbing with tears. Why did she feeling this way? Is it because of the coma?

She shrugged off her condition as she feel the pain reducing. Pretending that she is fine, she hugged her her mother tightly.

"I miss you mom" Mumbling it slowly.


"You! How could you make me feel worry like that?!" Her best friend, Song Jia Qi scream at her.

It has been a week since she discharged from the hospital. But Jia Qi couldn't leave her work so she got no choice but to wait. And today she head to Li Wei Wei's dorm.

Mrs. Chen insisted on taking care of her until she is well enough. But Li Wei Wei refuse as she feel like she is being troublesome. Also she is feeling better so she could actually take care of her own.

"I'm fine."

"You were in a freaking comatose and you said it is okay??" Jia Qi slapped Li Wei Wei's arm.

"Jia Qi. I got something to ask you." Li Wei Wei grab Jia Qi's startle her.

"What is it? Why are you so serious?"Jia Qi asked in a concern way.

"Is it normal to feel sad after waking up from comas? I mean like really heartbreaking. Like seriously sad?" Li Wei Wei try to explain further about about her emotions.

Jia Qi look at her in a weird way. She feel that Li Wei Wei seems different from what she is before. The way she spoke also had change a bit. A bit more formal.

"I'm not so sure about that. But maybe you're different?" Jia Qi replied hesitantly. Hearing her answer, Li Wei Wei sat back down on her bed. Maybe she is right.


Two Months Later

Times seems to fly by so fast. Li Wei Wei going through her life just like before. But still the lingering feeling of missing someone is still there.

No matter how much she try to enjoy her life, it didn't seem possible. Every single night she will sleep with tears. The weirdest thing is the tears came out naturally and she will feel pain in the heart region.

When she check up in her hospital, her senior said there's nothing wrong with her. So she gave up, she will just cope with her new lifestyle until she figure out her real problem.

Today she is visiting the library she last visited before the incident. Everytime she passed by the library, she feel some pull for her to visit the place again.

And today she got some free time so she take up the chance to borrow some book. Looking through the book, her finger stuck on a book.

Pulling it out, she was quite surprised. It was the book that she read before. Jia Qi had helped returning the book. But she wasn't expecting to see the book at the medical section.

Someone must have been misplaced it. She walked towards the novel section, wanting to put the book. Suddenly, a paper slipped out of the book.

Li Wei Wei look right and then left, wonder if there is someone who own the paper. But the paper seem so old. Opening it carefully, it was written with ink. Calligraphy ink.

I missed you. This was the only sentence that was written inside the paper. But that word bring out again the sentiment that had been chasing Li Wei Wei.

Her heart break apart when he sees the book cover. It was him. Who came to her dream everytime. All of a sudden gut-wrenching sobs that tore through her chest.

Memories about him flew all over her minds. She could hold the heartbreak no longer and she fell to the floor in a disheveled heap as her grief poured out in a flood of uncontrollable tears.

"I'm so sorry.." She mumbled the words through sobs while clutching the book closer to her heart.

"I'm so sorry for leaving you alone..." A great sobs escape her, and she covered her face with her other hand.

Body trembling with sorrow, she cry for their fate. She couldn't imagine how he is handling his own feeling. Great tremor took over her, eyes swollen with lips trembling.

"I miss you too.. I'm so sorry..." A tightening of her throat and a short intake of breath.

A stranger approached her asking her if she is alright. But she couldn't care less. How could she live without remembering him?

'Why did you let me live if you're gonna let me live in a great pain of living in this world without him!' Li Wei Wei mentally screamed at the her creator.

It would be better if she is dead rather than her forgetting about him and continue living on as if nothing happened.

Her head suddenly strike with pain due to sudden forced of remembering the previous memories. She let the pain took over her and she fainted right there while hugging the book.

Everyone was too panicked. Calling for ambulance or anyone who knew her. Checking her pulse to find that there's no longer was one.


Don't be mad!
Have a good day everyone!

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