Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Homecoming. A formal or informal event, either at school or an off-campus location. The venue is decorated, and either a DJ or a band is hired to play music. Homecoming was always something I saw in movies or read in books; it was never something I believed I had a chance of going to.

As you already know, I'm not much of a party person. I enjoy the company of close friends and family rather than hundreds of brainless, intoxicated teenagers. The idea of a school dance was never something I favoured and was often something I chose to sit out of. It's obvious to say that you can put distance between you and the people you hold closest, but you can never put distance between you and your old habits.

"Can you help me with this?" Penny beckons me over to help her put the remaining clips in her hair. I do as she says without protest.

Penny and Brody are going together. He's waiting downstairs for her to finish getting ready. I know you aren't required to have a date to go to homecoming, most students go with their friendship groups. They're the closest friends I've ever met so it's no surprise they're going together.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I ask.

She finishes applying her tenth coat of lipstick in the mirror before turning to face me. I can't help being worried about her after Scarlett interrupted what she had to tell me. Whatever it was, it sounded serious. It sounded like she needed to get it off her chest or it would swallow her whole and, well, she's decided to keep whatever it is to herself.

"I'm fine, how do I look?"

"Amazing," is the only word that fits. She beams as she twirls around in the middle of her room.

She's wearing a velvet, emerald green dress that ends halfway up her thigh. It's tight-fitting and ruched down her right leg. It's got long-sleeves because she insisted on being practical. Her words were, why would I bother carrying a jacket around all night when the chances of it being cold are slim to none when I can just wear a dress that covers my arms. It's completely backless which kind of goes against the point of wearing something that will keep her warm, but she was too in love with it to back out just for that reason. She has on a pair of clear heels and her hair's curled to perfection with bejewelled white clips keeping it out of her face.

"You ready?"

"For Brody to totally freak out when he sees how good I look? Definitely." She giggles before skipping her way downstairs. Even in heels, she makes descending those stairs look effortless and elegant, an almost impossible feat.

"When did my best friend get hot?" This is the first thing Brody asks when she reaches his side. He wiggles his eyebrows at her, and she rolls her eyes.

"When did you get so uptight?" She teases. He went with the classic jacket and tie. He elbows her side playfully. He can spot the sarcasm in her voice from miles away. What she actually means by uptight is handsome.

"It's not too late to change your mind." He reminds me.

"Wouldn't I look a little strange going to homecoming in jeans and a sweater?"

He waves his hand in dismay. "No one would notice."

I laugh at his attempt to change my mind. "I doubt that. I'm going to sit this one out, you two have fun though."

Penny inches towards me, her heels clicking against the floor with each step. "If you're not going to come then we're obliged to do this," She pauses and looks back at Brody.

"Group hug!" He yells as they both jump on me. We all wrap our arms around each other and burst into a fit of giggles. When did I get so lucky to have friends like these two?

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