Chapter 30

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At night, Geet goes to her terrace, she was looking at the stars and thinking of Ajay's words, his words keep replaying in her mind 'Give life a chance you think your Mumma, dad and Vishnu will be happy...You have to move on...Start living your life again'. Geet looks at the stars wondering, "How can he understand me so much without knowing anything about it even possible...maybe it is possible for him...he understands everything about me without even saying...I do know that I love he right have I stopped living my life...should I really take this thing which he said is true nothing happened to Maa and all this fate and none of it is my fault? you all think that Mumma, Dadda and you think Mr.Chowdhary is right?", the soft winds which were blowing turns stronger as if they all are agreeing with him strongly, she looks at the twinkling stars and smiles a little, "Hmm I guess you all are already in his team...that's why na you never let me stay away from him...all the time I ask you to help me stay away from him Mumma you only push me closer to you all like him", the stars seemed to glow brighter, she smiles as a drop of tear falls from her eyes, "Okay then I will take that as your yes...I will tell him everything...I will tell him that...I...I love him...but I have hurt him so much will he forgive for all that I have done🥺...ofcourse he will...did he ever scold you for all not even once did he raise his voice after he came to know about everything, he just kept showering his love...but I won't be able to forgive myself🥺...neither do I deserve him".

While she was talking to the stars two pairs of eyes were watching her, "God this she thinks she doesn't deserve him...what do I do with her", "Well one good thing she doesn't want to stay away from him Madhu", Madhu hits her head "I'm going there to talk some sense into this baby of mine", before Krishna could stop her she goes in, "Yes you don't deserve him...and don't forgive yourself for everything you have done to hurt him...keep living in the past...keep thinking of the people who have left and not the people who are with you and who want to be with you", Geet was shocked to see Madhu "Maa", Madhu glares at her "What Maa huh...what Maa...why are you doing this to yourself Geet...Go and live your life love Ajay...Ajay loves you...(Geet looks at her shocked)...don't look at me like that...what did you think I don't know...A mother knows everything about her child...I know baby you love him...I have seen your love for him in your eyes and I heard your confession that day when you were sitting here and crying...I wanted to console you but I understood you needed to be alone...I also saw Ajay's love for you that day when you had a panic attack...he loves you so much baby...don't ever let go him...I don't know what's happening between the two of you but I would say one thing...Vishnu is your past...he is gone Geet...and he definitely wouldn't want you to be like Vishnu always wanted to see you happy...and if your happiness lies in Ajay even he would want you to move on...and we also want you to move forget all the past...start everything afresh...we all want this for you", Geet hugs Madhu and cries her heart out "I'm sorry Maa...I have hurt you also...I love you...I'm sorry", Krishna also comes in and sits on the other side of Geet "Hmm I guess hugs are given only to your Maa...Nobody cares about me...Mujhe tho koi pyaar hi nahi karta" (Nobody loves me), Geet smiles and hugs him also "Nanna...I'm sorry Nanna...I love you", "We love you too", they three share a family hug, Madhu looks at the stars, I guess now our old Geethanjali will be back all thanks to all just keep supporting her...and I hope you all like Ajay, the stars shine the brightest they can to show their approval.

The next day, Geet gets ready in a white coloured salwar, she wears her jhumkas which she had noted Ajay admiring so much, today she wanted to confess everything to Ajay, though she knew that he knew how she felt and what her fear was, she wanted to tell him everything herself, she looks at herself in the mirror and smiles, He wants me to call him Ajay I I will tell him everything... I hope so. She goes down for breakfast "Maa what's for breakfast", Madhu's eyes well up with tears that after 3 years she asked her actually for breakfast, it had always been Madhu trying to make her eat the breakfast while she making excuses to skip it. Madhu wipes her tears and brings her favorite pesarattu (Green moong dal Dosa) and Ginger chutney, Geet looks at the breakfast excited " favourite your the best", Krishna and Madhu smile seeing their Geet changing back to the old Geet. After having her breakfast she leaves for school, while at school she impatiently waits for time to pass so that she can meet Ajay at office, but it was as if time was passing too slow as she keeps waiting, as soon as the clock ticks 12, she packs her stuff and starts for office. When she reaches the office as usual Vidisha and Kailash keep waiting for her to have their lunch, they take her with them to the cafeteria while her eyes keep searching for Ajay in the cafeteria, she sees Vish who is usually accompanied by Ajay having her lunch alone, Did he not come to office...he always sits with Vish during lunch...where is he...maybe these two know...hmm let me ask. Geet turns to Vidisha and Kailash who were discussing about Arjun's wedding "Hmm Mr.Chowdhary not here in office", Vidisha "He was there we met him in the morning...maybe he might have gone somewhere...why did you need anything" Geet shakes her head "Umm no nothing...Vish is sitting all by herself so I thought maybe he isn't here", Vidisha's smirks looking at her "Ohhoooo okay".

After lunch Geet goes to her cabin and thinks of a way to find out if he is there or not, an idea pops in her mind, she goes to the 7th floor and finds Anushka there, "Anu is Mr.Chowdhary there?", Anushka smiles looking at her "Yes Sir is can go in", Geet smiles at her "Thank you". Geet knocks on his cabin, "Come in", he looks up to find Geet standing there, as soon as he sees her he looks elsewhere "Umm you need anything Ms.Iyer", her heart pricks when he averts his gaze from her but she knew whatever she had said she deserved it "Umm yeah...I wanted to talk about the resort", Ajay just nods "Sure...have a seat", Geet takes a seat opposite to him, Come on Geet say it..say I love you Ajay...say it, "Umm I...I...I wanted to say that I....I...I noted down some details of the resort and I wanted to just confirm it with you", she blabbered something not being able say out her feelings, such an idiot you are Geet...slap yourself nicely you had to confess your feelings but look what you have done...simple just say I love you Ajay, Ajay interrupts her thoughts "Okay sure...I have a meeting in 10 mins can we discuss this later", Geet looks at him "Okay sure".

Geet goes back to her cabin, Such an idiot you are Geet...anyway more time for me to think of ways to confess to him....practice...I love you Ajay...say it in one go...come on...okay I can say that...once he is back from his meeting I'll go straight to him and say this, thinking this she gets into her work. She gets so immersed in her work that she doesn't note the time, after more than 4 hours someone knocks on her cabin "Come in", she looks up and finds Ajay there, suddenly she gets nervous "Umm...please sit down", Ajay takes his seat "Sorry the meeting got extended but yeah tell me Ms.Iyer what did you want to talk about", Come on Geet you can do this...say whatever you were thinking in your mind out loud, she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath "I wanted to say that I....I.... That I....I...", He understood what she wanted to say and also that she isn't able to "Stop Geet", Geet who had been looking at the other side was now facing him as he goes and stands in front of her, she again starts fumbling trying to bring out the words "Umm...I...I..", he again stops her "Stop Geet", he holds her by her shoulder "I know what you are trying to say...I know what you want to say...(he caresses her cheeks)...but please don't force yourself...didn't I tell you I won't force you into anything you don't want to...right now you aren't ready...give yourself some time...and you have your friend's wedding...have fun and enjoy yourself....and when you are actually ready to say it out loud then you can come and tell me...I will be waiting for you Geet❤️", she looks at him with eyes filled with tears "How can you be like this...haan...this is why I...", Ajay smiles looking at her "I know", she hugs him and so does he, being in his embrace she wondered, how did I get so lucky to get someone like him💕, though Geet couldn't confess her love Ajay was happy that she is trying, though he was dying to hear her confess he knew she needed time and he was ready to wait for her.

That's all for now guys.
I wanted to update this part yesterday but there was a power cut & my phone was dying so I couldn't complete writing. Sorry if you had been waiting for me to post🙁
Hope you all like this part❤️
Happy Reading 💙
Yours lovingly

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