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"Mom..This picture is so damn aesthetic ! "

You couldn't believe that the lady who clicked  blurry images 95% of times, did wonders like this. You wondered what your Instagram DMs are going to be like after your friends see this picture of yours, holding the Passport in front of your face, your waist length coffee brown hair looking prettier than ever. You never thought you'll be able to pull off an airport look but looking at your picture now, you concluded that you were doing it good enough.

Soon after your mobile phone had around a dozen of selfies with your parents who came along to the airport to see you off.

45 minutes later you were sitting on the window seat, looking outside and smiling to yourself. It was like you were trying to memorize this last view, the last glimpses of your city, rather your country.
All the memories of school and college life, friends hangouts, your favorite cafes, family dinners, your room's little reading corner and a lot other things that were a part of your life for past two decades were crossing your mind like some slideshow.
As soon as you could gulp down the nostalgia with water that the air hostess just served, you decided to click a picture of the view. It will be the last sight of the city you have grown up in, before flying towards a whole new experience.

 It will be the last sight of the city you have grown up in, before flying towards a whole new experience

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You knew mom had tears in her eyes while you hugged her for the last time before boarding. Dad was not really that expressive but deep down he must be super proud of you and yet was feeling very heavy when he waved off the last good bye. With all those thought inside your head, warm tears dropped down your cheeks.

Hey, Stob it!

You muttered to yourself and plugged in the airpods.

 The only savior at this point was the magical voices of the seven angels. As you were able to sing along *Magic Shop* in your head way better than before, it was proved that online Korean classes have done some good to you.

Listening to this song worked like therapy to you. May be it is to everyone else as well but personally, you would connect to this perticular song much more. The reason was obviously your best friend; Benny. She was the one who introduced you to them and it was this very song that hooked you to BTS. Benny was an ARMY since 2014 and then there were you, so new to this fandom and yet, it took you merely six months of obsession to take the biggest decision of your life which was majorly, if not only, influenced by those seven crackheads.

You have been bright since childhood. Whether be the school or college, no one could stop you from scoring the highest. It was mom's dream that she would see her daughter in the doctor's white coat with a stethoscope around her neck but...


When the results of TOPIK level 4 came out and you aced it, no one was more excited than your mom. The happy smile soon faded out of her face as soon as she realised that it meant you will be in some other country for atleast a couple of years.
Deep down even you knew that it is going to be tough for them to get a hang of this but never in your life you have settled for anything less than what you wanted.
Right then the next song of your playlist started.


"MIN YOONGI ! If someone is to be blamed for this ridiculously massive amount of self confidence that I am showing right now and if this gets me killed, it would be because of you! YOU !!!"

Your habit of having these mini conversation in head with the love of your life, your ultimate bias was quite a weird habit of yours. And you were proudly unashamed of it.

For hours you kept thinking about friends & family and complimenting Jin and JK's ethereal vocals, V's expressions, Jimin's high notes, J-Hope's warmth, RM's genius of writing lyrics and Suga's flawless rap, time to time as the songs of your playlist kept shuffling. 

Your trail of thoughts were put on break only when the pilot announced the flight's landing at Incheon International Airport.

With confident eyes and a nervous heart you confirmed to yourself :
"Welcome to South Korea , Y/N "

With confident eyes and a nervous heart you confirmed to yourself :"Welcome to South Korea , Y/N "

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