27. Fire

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Yoongi's words kept ringing at the back of your head while you saw his black Hyundai getting lost in the dark oblivion of that dreadful night. The next thing you saw was Prof. Lee at a distance, walking towards you with some other college staff. You sprinted towards them when you felt your phone buzzing in your hand.

Namjoonie : I'm sending some men from our security unit. They will keep an eye on everything there from a distance, just in case. Don't panic and take care. And if you need anything know that I am a call away.

Not a single thing would have put you more at ease than his message. Soon you saw two SUVs that parked at a distant, you felt safe.

Prof. Lee walked uptill you, almost running out of breath, he must be running the way till here.

" Are you alright ?"

" Yes Professor. But Yong-joon is not I guess." you said in hesitation.

Prof. Lee went up to Yong-joon, who was lying on the ground, his eyes half opened, the blood near his nose slightly dense and dry. He bent over, keeping his ear over Yong-joon's chest, trying to check his heartbeat. After he was assured that he was just unconscious, he turned towards you and asked in a tensed voice,

" What exactly happened here?"

You gulped with great difficulty as you felt like a lump was stuck inside your throat.

" I was returning back to my dorm when I heard him talk from my back. I tried to act normal and ask him if he was fine but he was inclined to hurt me. He choked my neck and Yoon.. I.. I threw him away in self defense."

You were so close to spill out Yoongi's name but somehow managed to keep him out and make it look quite convincing.

" But his face ? Who did that ?"

I coughed as he highlighted the most obvious point which I almost forgot to make up.

" I.. I hit him. He was trying to kill me, I had to do something." you huffled.

" Misss Y/N . You are much stronger than you look. I will give you that at least. "
he said with widened eyes, it was almost a blessing that he bought it. He made up some calls and soon an ambulance arrived at the spot. They got Yong-joon inside, you were about to get inside as well when Prof. Lee swung up his hand, gesturing you to stop.

" I know you had to go through a lot already. I'll take care of this matter from here. You please go back to your room and take some rest."
he gave you a smile and the ambulance left.

When you finally locked the door of your dorm, your body felt heavier than anything. You dragged yourself to bed and threw yourself on it. You didn't even have energy to change into your night dress. Hugging the pillow over your chest, you curled up into a ball. Your eyes were burning and all the limbs of your body hurt. After taking some deep long breath you reached out for your phone to ring up Yoongi.

He didn't answer the call. You rang again. And again. Again. No response.

All negative thoughts herded in your head and you were almost at the brim of having a mental breakdown when the screen of your mobile lit up.

Incoming Call
Baby Mochi

" Hello Jimin. Did he.."

" Yes Y/N, he reached home and he is fine. He is too stubborn to pickup your calls but I knew you must be worrying so thought of calling you myself."

He was freaking angel. You exhaled in relief and said,

" Thank you so much Jimin-aa. What would I do without you guys ? Thank you."

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