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4 | Settlers of Caffeine

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"Nat wanted me to tell you that

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"Nat wanted me to tell you that... that Beckett can't play in the game on Friday," Will said, scrambling to come up with an explanation.

Where did that come from? And why would I care about that?

I fought the very strong urge to roll my eyes at Will, but instead, I stared at Ty's neat half of the room. Will's side could really use some Marie-Kondo-ing.

Will continued on, digging himself a deeper hole. "I wasn't going to tell you, I didn't want you to worry, but Beckett texted me that he has a concussion." He waved a hand at me. "Nat thought I should tell you."

Liar, liar, dress pants that you have to wear after your game on fire.

Ty stepped into the room, frowning.

"I know. Beckett texted me too." Ty grabbed his phone off his dresser. "He texted the team group chat. We all know. Doc said he'd be out for the next two weeks, minimum..."

Ty ran a hand through his hair. "I was also there when Beckett got hit at the game?"

"Right, right. Duh." Will forced a laugh.

"Right," Ty said, but even I knew he wasn't buying the crap Will was selling. His gaze swung to me. "Nat?"

I wouldn't confirm or deny anything.

With the attention on me, Will grabbed his phone and slipped out of the room, still wearing his suit from the game.

Through the wall, the muffled slam of drawers being opened and shut in a frantic search for something rang out.

My stomach churned. I pinched the skin between my thumb and forefinger and swallowed a little excessively.

"Date!" I blurted out. "Tonight's our date, I mean."

Ty nodded and pulled on his worn baseball cap. "Yeah, I was gonna come to get you."

"You know me, impatient, nosy, nervous– waiting isn't really my forté." I twisted the gold ring on my middle finger.

He tilted his head to the side. "You okay?"

I knew it! I knew he'd see right through me!

My mouth decided to run with everything I was freaking out about instead.

"No, I'm not okay 'cause you're here, and you're hot, a great kisser, this is our first date, and I'm so nervous I couldn't focus on anything, let alone my history paper worth 25%, so hopefully my TA is in a good mood while he marks it, but knowing his Scrooge curmudgeon-iness, he'll–"

I stopped to suck in air.

Ty pinned me with his gaze.

I stared back at him, but I don't think my brown, blinking gaze had the same effect. Would the floor open and swallow me whole Jaws-style? Would Ty decide, nope, didn't sign up for this brand of crazy, bye?

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