Chapter 43

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Two months later

For the past two months, things have been, for the most part, normal. Cole and I are still continuing our relationship and we even found out about a month ago that Liam and Val were together as well. I think we have been on six dates by now and most of them are at the cafe we went to on our first date, though I do not mind that. We even have done some double dates as well with our best friends.

I've also had the opportunity to better bond with my younger older brothers, which was nice. I learned some of their hobbies, like Fabiano, for example, enjoys coding. For the past month, we have been going out every Saturday to do some sort of activity, whether it was bowling or watching a movie. Nico also come out to our brothers, accidentally, and now Gabriel will sometimes join us on Saturday's.

Flashback (two weeks ago)

We were sitting down at dinner on Thursday like we normally do. Luca was pestering all of our elder brothers on when they would get a girlfriend, like he has been doing for a while now, until Nic got a call from Gabe. I knew that Enzo saw the caller ID and remembered the day when Nic accidentally left his phone on the counter. Nico excuses himself from the table to answer the call. About ten minutes later, Nic comes back into the dining room with a smile on his face.

"So, why is Gabe calling you for like the the third time today?" Enzo tries to ask nonchalantly. 

Nic looks up from his plate, along with the rest of us. "Umm, he just needed some advice."

"Three times?" He counters.

"Why do you want to know so bad? You don't know him."

"Well, why don't I? I mean, he is your friend and I would like to know who you hang out with."

"Again, why do you want to know? You've never gave a fuck about who I befriended before." Nic says, starting to get a little angry. Shit.

"You also don't talk to your other friends like ten times a day." Enzo says, also getting mad.

"Well, I think I have a right to talk to my boyfriend how many times I like." Nic accidentally slips, causing Enzo's anger to diminish and all my brothers to just stare at him.

Savio steps out of his stupor first. "What? You have a boyfriend?"

He justs sighs. "Yes, I do."

"How long have you been dating?" Enzo asks.

"A year and a half." He admits.

"And this whole time, you didn't tell us? We wouldn't judge you." Luca says.

Nico just looks my way, silently telling me to explain. I let out a breath before speaking. "He didn't tell you because, well first of all, you guys haven't been close since recently. And second of all, your dad didn't have a good reaction when he found out, so Nic was scared you would be the same way."

Matteo turns back to Nic. "Dad knew? Wait, you knew, Liliana?"

"I told him when I first figured out I was gay. And I told Liliana almost three months ago."

"Well, don't worry. You are still our brother, and I would like to meet him." Said Enzo, causing Nic to smile at him.


It is now Friday and we are on spring break for the next week. Once my younger older brothers and I get home, I see that there are mafia members in the front hallway of our house. This has never occurred before and I see my brothers thinking the same thing. 

Trusting My BrothersOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora