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       "Hey, Mr. Molina." Caroline greeted her best friends dad after he opened the front door. It was early on a Saturday morning. Lee wasn't always an early bird, but this was important.

       "Hey, Lee. Julie's in her room." Ray informed the girl as they walked towards the kitchen. "You want some breakfast?" He offered.

       "Oh, no, thank you. I already ate. Just wanted to check up on Jules." The Molinas had lost someone very important almost seven months ago. Rose Molina. Julie and Carlos' mom, the love of Ray's life, and a second — or only — mom to Caroline Wilson.

"Yeah, she's getting there. We all are. When you go up there, could you let her know that breakfast is ready?" He asked and Lee nodded as she ascended up the stairs.

When she reached Julie's door, she hesitated. Lee brought her guitar with her today. Even though Julie hasn't played since her mom, she has always listened to Lee's songs. She is an amazing singer and song writer. The main reason why she's hesitant is because this was the first song she wrote since Rose's death. She put a lot of feelings and emotions into this. She's sure that she'll cry when she plays for Julie.

After she knocked, she heard some shuffling around. When Julie opened the door, you could see that she had been crying. Her puffy cheeks betrayed her trying to look as if everything was fine. Julie has confided in Lee and has told her that sometimes when she thinks about her mom, she goes in a spiral and just cries for hours and hours on end.

"Hey, Lee. Watcha doing?" Julie sniffled, wiping her nose with her sleeve.

"Um," She hesitated, "I have something that I felt you should have." The look on Julie's face showed of confusion. So, she continued. "It's actually a song. The first one I wrote since..." She trailed off. "Um, it's kinda about her, and since she's your mom I thought—" Lee was cut off by Julie engulfing her in a hug.

They stood there for a while. In Julie's doorway. It was nice. To just hold each other in comfort. After a couple seconds, Julie released Lee from her bear hug. "Uh, do you want to play it for me?" Julie asked, quietly.

Lee nodded as she grabbed her guitar case that she placed on the ground when Julie had hugged her. Both girls walked into the room. Julie sat down on her bed as Lee took her guitar out of its case. She sat down on Julie's desk chair and got into position to play.

"So, um, I wrote this about two months after. It's about all the emotions I felt and still kind of feel to this day. So, yeah." Lee exhaled deeply as she started to play, plucking the strings of her guitar...

"How can you miss someone you've never met?
'Cause I need you now but I don't know you yet
But can you find me soon because I'm in my head?
Yeah, I need you now but I don't know you yet"

       Lee looked up to see tears start to form in Julie's eyes. She turned her head back down and continued...

"'Cause lately it's been hard
They're sellin' me for parts
And I don't wanna be modern art
But I only got half a heart to give to you"

       Julie looks down. The other half of her heart belonged to her mom.

"How can you miss someone you've never seen?
Oh, tell me are your eyes brown, blue, or green?
And do you like it with sugar and cream?
Or do you take it straight, oh, just like me?"

       Brown, Julie thought as she pictured her moms eyes. The coffee bit made her laugh the littlest amount. Lee and Rose were coffee addicts. That's why Lee rambles and goes on a tangent all of the time.

"Yeah, lately it's been hard
They're sellin' me for parts
And I don't wanna be modern art
But I only got half a heart to give to you
And I hope it's enough"

       Lee started to sing 'oohs' as she plucked. She had to choke back a couple sobs. Julie slowly swayed to the music. It brought her some sort of comfort.

"How can you miss someone you've never met?
'Cause I need you now but I don't know you yet
But can you find me soon because I'm in my head?
Yeah, I need you now but I don't know you yet"

       You can really start to hear Lee's cries as she sings. It's hard for both girls to think about.

"I need you now but I don't know you yet
I need you now but I don't know you yet
I need you now but I don't know you yet
I need you now but I don't know you yet"

       When she finishes, she looks up at Julie who is silently crying. Lee places her guitar down and rushes over and sits next to Julie on her bed. It's her turn to give her a bear hug. This time, the both of them let it all out. Lee has completely forgotten to let Jules know that breakfast was ready.

       "It was beautiful." Julie said through the tears. Lee chuckled. Of course Julie would praise her friends abilities during a cry session.

       "Thank you." Lee said into the nape of Julie's neck. She then broke out of the hug and mentioned, "You can keep it. Only if you want too." She always makes copies of songs so she has one at home.

       "Yeah, I'd like that," Julie smiled softly as Lee handed her the folded paper. The girl with curly hair then proceeded to stand from her bed and turn around. She grabbed her step-stool and placed it in front of her dresser to climb. She grabbed her dream box from the high shelf and opened it with the key behind the box. She placed the lyrics neatly on top of poems she has wrote in the past.

       Hopefully the girls will meet who they need in the near future. They just don't know who it is yet.

Down <Luke Patterson>

Down <Luke Patterson>

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(🎤) T TIME!

       I cried a little while writing this... I don't know why... 😪

       What's your favorite movie/tv series? 👉

       Mine are Harry Potter and Pretty Little Liars<3


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