Bonus chapter {4}

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Today was my first day of school and I was kind of scared. What if everyone didn't like me? But I was also kind of happy I could get away from home. Mummy and daddy are always arguing at each other and saying some not so nice things.

"Scarlett you need to go," Mummy said giving me a slight push. 

I didn't realise I had been standing in front of the classroom for a long time until she pushed me. I took reluctant steps towards the door, looking back at my mummy but she was already gone. Seeing everyone else's scared faces helped me calm down.

Everybody was sitting down except for one boy. He was running around the classroom, pretending to be an aeroplane. What an idiot? Doesn't he know aeroplanes fly? He's clearly not flying. 

The boy sat down in the only space left, which was next to me, when a teacher came in.

"My name is Miss Higgins and I am going to be your teacher for the rest of the year." I zoned out as she carried on speaking. She was very boring.

I felt something poking me. I looked next to me to see the boy with his finger out. His ears went pink when he got caught.

"Hi. I'm Elijah," he smiled showing off his missing two front teeth. That's not fair none of mine had fallen out yet and I was becoming a big girl.

"I don't care," I grumbled. He looked like he was on a sugar rush with all the bouncing he was doing. I was kind of shy to make friends so I was being mean instead. 

"What's your name?" I turned the other way so I could talk to someone else other than aeroplane boy but they were all listening to the teacher like losers.

"Why are you talking to me?"

"You look friendly."

"Well I'm not."

"I don't care," he mocked me. I don't like him. "You are going to be my friend," he said with determination.

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are."

I just ignored him as he kept throwing stuff at me. Finally it was playtime. I ran away from the annoying boy, sitting down next to a big tree. I picked at the grass to fill the silence. 

I heart foot steps and I looked up to see Elijah.

"Why are you here?"

"Everyone else is super boring. So are you my friend?"


"I'm going to annoy you every single day until you say yes."

"You wouldn't," I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I would and I'm going to."

"Well I'll just ignore you everyday."

"You'll want to talk to me," he said proudly.

"I won't," I said confidently.

"Are you sure about that?"

A/N I've had this in my draft for so long. I wasn't planning on posting it because of how short and shit it is but then I thought why not. 

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