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Normal POV

"I don't like him!", Tenaya suddenly said, barging into Tenoa's room like it belonged to her.

Tenoa frowned, looking up from his book at his twin who was now pacing across the foot of his bed,"A- a- an- and h- h- him w- would be?", he asked causing her to stop in her tracks, making Tenoa jump.

"That Scotland yard mother fucker! Who else!", she exclaimed, flailing her arms fanatically.

"Watch yo mouth, lil girl!"

They both winced at their aunt's booming voice,"Sorry auntie!", Tenaya yelled back before shutting the door,"You're not allowed to be around him", she continued once the door was shut.

Tenoa sat up, now fulling alert,"W- w- why?", he asked defensively. He liked Daegan, well he thought he did. He was really nice, to him at least but that didn't mean much considering his feelings about people. Daegan didn't like a lot of people eithr, he just wasn't quiet about it like him.

"He's a bad influence", Tenaya said bitterly, crossing her arms over her chest.

He averted his gaze,"N- no h- he's n- no- not", he defended weakly. A streak of fear and embarrassment spread through him as he wondered what she meant by "bad influence". He didn't think she knew about his comments though, well he hoped she didn't.

Tenoa was sure they didn't talk to one another before aside from Tenaya taunting him, but apparently they had at least had a conversation for her to end up in his room. He really hoped Daegan didn't say anything perverted. God would that be embarrassing.

"I'm serious Tenoa", she yelled sharply making him flinch,"I order you to stay away from him!"

Tenoa just sat there, slightly recoiled. She had never yelled at him like this before; it was like he was the one that had upset her and not Daegan. He brought his lips together, blinking behind his glasses,"O- okay", he responded,"I- I'll st- stay away from h- him", he told her.

Sadly, Tenaya didn't seem to notice it, that or she ignored it assuming this truly was for the best. "Promise me, Tenoa", she told him, still holding her resolve. She was acting as if he was one of her hard-headed teammates and not her brother who was as fragile as they come.

He swallowed the lump in his throat, nodding his head,"I- I pr- promise", he swore, looking past her at the blank wall.

With that Tenaya left, heading back to her room and leaving her brother frozen in his bed. His stomach was suddenly in knots and he felt like he was about to throw up. He hadn't known he was crying until tears were pouring down his chests, his body shaking with his sobs. He couldn't help it; why was she being so mean to him? What had he done to deserve that? Why did she not want him to have a friend? He liked being around Daegan; he was nice, funny and treated him good.

Yet they couldn't be friends anymore.

When Daegan called him that night, he practically jumped out of his skin. He curled in on himself, watching as the phone continued to ring; Daddy flashing across his screen. Tenoa itched to answer the phone, but forced himself to not pick up the phone. He wasn't going to answer it, deciding he was not going pick it up. He just sat there watching the phone flash over and over again with text messages and phone calls, but he didn't pick up.

About 30 minutes later they had completely stopped and Tenoa put the phone in his backpack before taking a shower and getting ready for bed.

Endnotes: Yeah I was not playing; Tenoa is a sensitive smol bean. He likes Daegan but he doesn't want his twin to hate him. I know the feeling 😖. Anywhore, vote and comment

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