Chapter Thirty

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Kuisma made me do something I never thought I'd do willingly. We went running, and it was horrible. Complete torture, for sure, but for some reason I felt like I wanted to do it again.

You might be wondering where a poor guy like me found the gear for that. Well, it's one of the perks of having an athletic boyfriend approximately your size. By approximately same size I mean our shoe size was the same and his clothes didn't fall off me.

What isn't good about having an athletic boyfriend is that you'll be the one huffing and puffing after 200 meters, whereas your better half hasn't even broken a sweat. So, as I said, the first time was torture. Still, as I didn't die from it, I felt good afterwards.

The second time, which happened to be on New Year's Eve, I went running by myself. I made a playlist and left the dormitory early in the morning. I took turns running and walking, so I didn't get exhausted too soon. Here's the unbelievable thing: I realized I actually liked running.

When I came back, I took a shower and had breakfast with Kuisma. He had been sleeping when I left. I hadn't forgotten to leave a note, because he worried more about me again.

"So, are you ready to see your friends today?" Kuisma asked, nearly making me choke on my coffee.

"Shit! They're coming today?" I exclaimed. First of all, I had totally forgotten what day it was and secondly I felt like it was a thousand years ago when I invited them. Kuisma only laughed at my reaction.

"We have to buy drinks and food! I need to clean the flat.." I started stressing out. I gulped down rest of my coffee and quickly rinsed the mug, already on my way out of the kitchen.

"Copa and Ilari are bringing the drinks, I'll go to the grocery store and you can clear this place up. No need to stress", he murmured and ruffled my hair.

As I was still frowning, Kuisma wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly: "Don't stress about it, okay?"

I mumbled something, still frowning, and Kuisma started tickling me with a glint in his eyes. I fell back and stumbled on the bed on my back. Kuisma followed right after and continued tickling me.

"Okay, okay, I yield!" I exclaimed laughing and struggling away from his hands.

"Good. Do we still have time?" Kuisma grinned and before I had time to answer, he pressed his lips against mine.

"There's always time", I mumbled before pulling him into another kiss.

"And if there isn't, we just make some", Kuisma continued, his grin was mischievous, but his eyes were darkened with desire.

So, we made time. Or to be more precise, we put time aside and forgot everything around us for a moment. I took off Kuisma's shirt and he took off mine, hastily like we had to make every second count — even if time had lost its meaning.

A couple of hours later I was cleaning the flat and Kuisma had left to buy groceries. I opened the windows to let fresh air in and closed them only when I was about to get pneumonia.

When I was done, the flat was spotless. It didn't even take that long, since Kuisma had started clearing up more diligently. I'm pretty sure he used to louse up just to annoy me. And, well, I probably deserved that for the way I was behaving.

When Kuisma came back, I helped him to prepare some snacks for later and we were done in good time. Yet again we had time for just the two of us. I don't know where your minds wandered when I told you that, but I bet you didn't think about dancing. I can assure you I didn't think about dancing either, but Kuisma had already made his mind.

We walked through the emptied hallways to the gymnasium. I'm pretty sure we weren't allowed there, since it was a holiday, but once we lived in the dormitory, we could come and go to the school building as we wanted. I still felt like an evildoer, cautiously looking around in a fear of getting caught.

"But I really can't dance", I opposed.

"I want you to try just this once anyway", Kuisma smiled and put on a song from his phone. He was as marvellous as he always was, making every move look effortless and graceful. Me, not so much.

I was trying to learn and Kuisma was trying to teach the moves to me at first. But in no time it became clear I was no dancer, so instead of making it an issue we started playing around.

Kuisma laughed when he placed his hands on my hips, to make sure I made the right posture, and I laughed even louder when I couldn't get the posture even relatively right. Soon we were just running around the gymnasium and playfully bickering with each other.

"I thinking I'd better settle for running", I said slightly out of breath. Kuisma wrapped his arms around me from behind and admitted: "True. I don't think anyone can make you a dancer."

I turned around and looked at him as if I was offended. "Hey! I'm not that bad."

"You kinda are", Kuisma nudged my shoulder, a wide grin on his lips.

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