Part 4 - You're an interesting guy

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In a creepy, half-lit warehouse, The Vipers held everyone hostage, beating anyone that spoke. 

The hostages looked nothing short of terrified, enduring one brutal beatdown after another. Every time they begged for mercy, they got hit another time.

"P-please let us go," a man begged. "I-I have nothing to give you-"


He got hit with a baseball bat to the face. 

"Shut it!" The Viper gang member yelled. "I'm just doing what I was told!"

"Look..." the man tried to negotiate. "I work for a Fortune 200 company in an executive position. I can pay you a lot! I have a family, so just-"

Author's note: "Fortune 200" was said on purpose.

Another thwack came to his face as The Viper put on a devious smile. 

"You think I do this for money?" he asked, as he raised the bat one more time, directly to his head. 

The man closed his eyes, ready for his fate, but the hit never came. He reluctantly opened his eyes, but the thug wasn't there. He looked behind to see the thug on the ground, completely unconscious. The man who was about to kill him suddenly got knocked out by a mysterious force.

Was he dreaming?

"You're safe now," a voice came. 

He looked to see a man wearing a suit with lightning flowing out of his hands. He looked very similar to Electro-Punch; the man had a million questions to ask but realized that given the situation, the mysterious person didn't have the time to answer them all. All that mattered was the fact that he was safe. 

"Thanks..." he managed to mutter. "I don't know what would have happened if you weren't there,"

"It's what I do," he replied, his voice quiet, but firm. "Protecting the innocent is my mission."

Jay's Pov:

The thugs stared at me with a mix of fear and disbelief. They had heard of the legendary Electro-Punch and the chaos he had brought to the Viper gang, but now I stood before them as someone completely new.

"Who the hell are you?!" one of the thugs exclaimed, his voice trembling.


I didn't think about my name, but it wasn't that hard to come up with. I needed something that captured my powers and probably my abilities. Actually, something that captured my entire life, including banishment, survival, and finding a new home.

"Call me Power-Punch," I declared.

The thugs exchanged wary glances, understanding the weight of the name - it rhymed with Electro-Punch. You know something's off when I deeply resemble the man who almost ended The Vipers, not to mention that I made my entrance by knocking out one of the thugs.

"Power-Punch, huh?" one of the thugs asked full of caution "'re some Electro-Punch knock-off?"

I went with the name Power-Punch because it felt like a fresh start, while also paying respects to Billy. You see, changing from "Electro" to "Power" was because I somehow gained the power to move on from the hellish Desert of Doom after my banishment to this new city, a dystopian utopia. 

"Power" was no accident; it stood for the strength and abilities I gained throughout my experience protecting people. It was like a reminder of my duty to shield the weak from evil and stand up to evil itself. I needed to tap into my powers to protect the city and defeat Deathstroke.

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