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"Would you like to stay with your grandma?" Adelié asked her older daughter. "How long?"

"Forever." Elia yelled, giggling afterwards.

A five year old Aelianna was packing her things to stay with her Grandma for a couple of weeks, not knowing that the weeks would turn into months and months into years. Elia loved her grandmother dearly, and after she lost her Grandfather three weeks after she arrived to east London, she decided to stay with her grandma until she was stable enough. In that time the Veuilleton family did visit their oldest daughter, but they left visiting soon after Dione started school. The city life being to much for them to visit often. Soon after Dione started school Grandma Vinny got sick, Elia being the only person being by her side at that time decided to take care of her, just for her to return to her parents house at Grosvenor Square just when she became twenty three years of age. Sixteen years of taking care of her lovely grandmother, sixteen years full of memories and laughter, that with just a blink of her eyes vanished away just when Grandma Vinny got better after Elia turned twenty three, begging Aelianna to returned home and Give an opportunity to the upcoming social season.

"Are you alright, honeybee?" Viscount Samson asked his daughter who was looking blankly at the window on the drawing room.

"Uh, yes father. I'm fine." She whispered trying to convince to herself she was indeed alright. A small fake smile adorning her lips, now not so full of freckles.

There will forever be just two words that come to this author's mind the morning after any good party, "shock" and "delight."

Well, dear reader, the scandalous accounts
from last night's soiree at Vauxhall are quite shocking and delightful indeed.

Emerging, phoenix-like from the ashes of irrelevance, is one Miss Daphne Bridgerton.

The illustrious debutante
was seen dancing with the season's most eligible and most uncatchable rake, the Duke of Hastings.

As many others Aelianna Veuilleton and Benedict Bridgerton found themselves on the park, talking and laughing.

"Are you serious?" She giggled softly when Benedict told her a baby memory he had.

"Yeah, I'm serious." He laughed too. Both walking side to side, arm locked on arm. "Do you have any funny memory from your early days?"

"I do, albeit most of them involved my grandma." She told him truly with a small smile. "There was this time I got stung by a bee because I had put honey on my finger." She chuckled.

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