14- Falling

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In the ship that would bring them to Venice, Kylo and Vincent had been ushered to separate rooms next to each other. Finding himself tongue-tied at being alone with the lord and finally free, Kylo silently thanked the fact that Vincent was giving him the space he needed.

Now as the sun dipped into the sea, Kylo longed for nightfall. In the rocking motion of the waves, he lay in his bed and thought about the lord. When he touched his hand to the wall dividing them, Kylo could almost feel it tremble like a heart.

Vincent had said that he would slumber and rest during the day, stating to Kylo that he was never fond of the sun and much preferred the romantic night.

"Join me this evening," Vincent had told Kylo before parting for their rooms. "We can spend the night together watching the stars and tomorrow evening we will be in Venice. A new life awaits you, angel."

Rising off his bed, Kylo dressed. Vincent had brought fine new clothes for him, the sort gentlemen and lords often wear. With the high-neck of his white ruffled shirt and well-tailored black trousers, Kylo felt beautiful. Tying his long, dark hair back with a velvet bow he hesitated as he looked at his reflection. "You are Conde Angel Delmar," Vincent had said as they'd entered the ship. "A new name for a new start."

"I am no longer a Cinder-boy. No longer the mother's slave and whipping boy," Kylo whispered yet he felt unsure. Butterflies floated into his belly and fluttered madly. Before nerves over-powered him, he stepped out of his room and went to find Vincent.

Standing with his back to Kylo, the lord looked over the edge of the ship towards the flickers of moonlight dancing on the currents. "Angel," Vincent uttered as he turned and smiled at Kylo. "I can tell it was you by your footsteps."

"My lord," Kylo said as he gave Vincent a nod. "It's a beautiful night." But Kylo's gaze lingered on Vincent. The light of the moon highlighted the lord's beauty. The black lace shirt he wore accentuated every inch of his torso. Vincent's dark plumb trousers looked painted on. Kylo caught his eyes shifting lower till they reached Vincent's toes. When he realized what he was doing he dipped his head down and bit his lip.

"Do you like looking at me?" Vincent asked as he reached for Kylo and brushed his fingers along the other's arm.

"In the moonlight, you are enchanting."

"Is it the moonlight I should be thanking for making you want to look at me?"

Looking up, Kylo replied. "I would be content to look at you anywhere."

Vincent chuckled. The ship was silent, the crew was either doing their duties or getting settled for the night and the other passengers were scarce. "When we arrive at my home, I will let you look at me anywhere you want..." Vincent stepped closer to Kylo until their toes nearly touched. "You may look at me as we dine, as we share a bottle of liquor." Vincent reached up and touched Kylo's cheek. "In the sitting room..." he whispered, "in the garden. And if you so desire, in my room."

The dark of night was not enough to hide a blush rising up Kylo's cheeks. "My lord, there is no place I would not want to look at you in." Lifting his eyes he added, "Your bedroom included."

Vincent brought his face closer to Kylo's. "Perhaps when we get to my home, you may share my chambers with me a few nights."

Kylo felt the blush trickle over the rest of him, warming up every inch of his skin. Touching his palm to Vincent's heart, he felt the strong beat. "I would be honored," he said softly but his tone was shy, uncertain.

Sensing Kylo's uncertainly, Vincent tilted up his chin and spoke. "It's not an order. It's a wish." After a small pause, he added, "You are under no obligation to sleep with me if it's not what both your heart and body want."

Shaking his head, Kylo cried softly, "My heart and body have wanted you from the moment I laid eyes upon you."

"Then what is it, angel?"

"I am scared I may fall in love with you harder than I can handle."

Vincent's lips curled into a grateful smile. "Then we both fear the same thing. But what is love without a bit of fear? It's simply lust, and what I feel for you surpasses any indulgence purely of the flesh."

With a gentle sigh, Kylo leaned his head into Vincent's shoulder. "I don't know why this pull is so powerful, but meeting you had made my heart properly beat."

Wrapping his arms around Kylo, Vincent squeezed his eyes shut and groaned softly, "Mine, too, my angel. And without you," he uttered into Kylo's hair, "I feel it may stop for good this time."

words: 808
words till now: 14187

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