Chapter 13 - Becoming a mother

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A.N: Sorry in advance. 

Seven instantly leaped back from the table, not having a clue what was happening. An incredibly tall man with long blonde hair and a cape similar to Vision's had appeared. Out of nowhere. He was carrying a massive hammer of some sort but the rest of the team didn't seem shocked at all at this sudden occurrence which made her think that it was a frequent thing.

"Thor?" Tony questioned, still blinking harshly at the sudden light

"THOR!" Peter yelled as he went to hug the god who just laughed deeply before throwing Peter over his shoulder.

"So you're back?" Steve asked

"Yes, Loki is safe on Asguard now, he is serving his sentence there away from Earth" Thor confirmed as Peter continued to dangle from his shoulder.

"Thor, put Peter down" Wanda sighed, using her magic to gently lift a laughing Peter back safely onto the ground.

Thor looked around the room, realizing that he had obviously interrupted some sort of important meeting considering the whole team was here. "What did I miss?" He asked, still looking around, "Lady Natasha are you alright?"

Natasha just nodded her head weakly, she was definitely not alright but didn't really feel like breaking down over all of her childhood trauma while there were ten others in the room. Thor narrowed his eyes, clearly understanding that she didn't want to talk about it before carrying on surveying the room before finally landing on Seven who was stood very close to the door, ready to bolt at any second.

"And there's another child?" He questioned, "A friend of yours Peter?"

"well yes but that isn't why she's here," Peter said awkwardly, waiting for one of the adults to explain.

"A child of one of yours perhaps? Natasha? you look-alike" Tony quickly jumped in to stop him before this became any more uncomfortable for Seven. Tony began to explain but as he did Seven tuned him out, realizing that Thor was correct and for the first time noticing that she did look very similar to Natasha. They had the same piercing green eyes and their noses were almost identical. Seven's hair was a few shades lighter than Natasha's own (Imagine CATWS hair for Natasha bc I think it fits best) but she shook it off as a coincidence and started listening to what Tony was saying.

"-nd we plan to investigate tomorrow, good thing you're back pointbreak" Thor just nodded, equally shocked to hear that Seven was some enhanced individual who could help them track down HYDRA as the rest of them had been. 

"Anyway let's go now, I'm tired and want a good night's sleep if we're going on some crazy mission tomorrow afternoon," Sam said before walking past everyone and heading out, everyone following and dispersing off to their rooms, presumably to do the same.


Natasha felt drained, as soon as she closed her bedroom door she broke down into silent sobs, sliding down the door. The last thing she wanted was to go back into that environment but she desperately wanted them taken down. Plus she knew that this was her job and that she had to go on this mission for closure.

After what had happened in the communal area earlier with Seven she had been hurt and confused, but now knowing why Seven had almost attacked her she just felt extremely sorry for her and almost wanted to apologize even though she hadn't done anything. She knew what trauma the Red Room could produce and seven had HYDRA trauma too which seemed awful. 

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