7 - Tutela - Safeguard

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The trek took less than ten minutes before those following Prince Sharzor tramped out of the snow and stepped up on a flat, rocky surface leading to a sheer cliff-face lined with men on guard. Vondra noticed other men holding wide wooden scrapers with long handles, some working to push the snow away from huge the stone ledge.

The guards wore thick fur coats and hats and stood just two feet apart. Each held a spear with the sharp end pointing upwards.

Stepping to the closest guard, the prince did not need to introduce himself. The guard bowed and said, with his eyes on the cloak covered form in the prince's arms, "Follow me, Your Highness, at your leisure— and your companions." Saluting with his free hand, he led the way into a gap in the sheer cliff-face ahead.

As it widened, Vondra felt warmer and turned her face to see where she was being carried. Flicking back her hood, her eyes widened to see she was in a huge cave with uniformed men lining the way, each holding a flaming torch. In the short view she had, she wondered if this cave was man-made. The surface of the floor and the walls gleamed like polished marble, reflecting the lights of the torches. An orange glow illuminated the cave.

The now riderless horses, led by their reins, walked behind guards and further on, men on duty took the animals and lead them into a passage which opened up along the way.

"You can walk," the prince said as he stood her upright. Speaking softly into her ear, he ordered, "You must stay silent; I shall speak for us. Keep my babe in your arms and follow me. Stay near me and all will be well." 

Pivoting to view the area around him, the prince asked of his captain, "Where is Daggurt and his dogs?— What about Mogon and Gigi?" Not waiting for an answer, he called to include all , "How could you let them go? Be quick to assign a team from here to have them followed, Captain! I need not imagine where Daggurt and Mogon will head with the knowledge they have. Mogon was commissioned by my father and I believe Daggurt will have links with just about everyone in our seven kingdoms!— That company following us might have companioned up with them." He shook his head, adding, "It bodes no good at all. Mogon will report that my babe still lives."

Striding away from Vondra who followed him to the other end of the cave, he spoke to a pair of men seated at a stone table. At the height of the table and the seats they sat in, they looked down at Vondra; their covered heads a little higher than Prince Sharzor's.

Due to the vulnerable baby in her arms, Vondra felt threatened, not only by these fierce-faced men but the dozen armed guards standing in a half circle a few paces behind them. She knew she could not defend herself or any one else if they were to try and separate her from the prince.

It dawned on her that he was her protector as much as he was his child's. He had ordered her to keep near him. She sidled closer, slightly behind him on his right side. It struck her that he spoke Italian, a language she knew. Keeping her eyes on the stone table, not on these officials with their pointed hats and long beards, she inwardly prayed that angels would protect her and the baby.

After recalling his great loss followed by his mission to rescue his baby, and the disappearance of two 'conspirators' she understood his pain and how much he would want his little daughter to be safe and happy. He then described Vondra as a heroine and she felt a strange kind of joy, he was pleased with her.

One of the men seated at the stone table offered condolences, saying, "We heard of your great loss and grieved with you but did not know about the theft of your child. Please accept condolences on behalf of all at Tutela and know that we all will do our best to ensure your safety and well-being of your daughter. You are welcome here for as long as you need to stay."

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