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San sent Wooyoung the video of their last try more than an hour later their separation. In that time, Wooyoung took a long restoring shower. He could still feel strange about what happened, again. It wasn't the first time, though.

Every time he and San danced together, something magical happened. Wooyoung could remember the day they did the expressive workshop, and, soon after, the battle. But, during that week, it hadn't happened yet. Until today. They worked perfectly together, but never had the chance to let themselves go. Which was what happened right before.

Was it different from the first time? Probably, a bit. They were still focused about the choreo and the other's presence, not supposed to let the consciousness flow away. Still, Wooyoung felt their two souls as they were on another planet. Their planet. And hell, it felt good. He never felt like that with anyone. And he had many issues to understand those feelings: what were they about?

After the shower, he thought that maybe the trauma had passed, but as he saw that San sent him the video, his heartbeat sped up again. He didn't feel confident enough to rewatch that video, honestly. And he wasn't even sure he could handle another performance like this, the day after. If this was just practice, what will happen on the stage? With full outfit, makeup and adrenaline in our veins?

He comfortably laid in his bed and collect his strengths to open the video and watch it. He tried his best to focus only on the technical part and the general outcome of the performance. It went on well. Until there was the moment of he and San switching positions, their bodies sliding closer to each other, their eyes stuck in an intense gaze which made Wooyoung's chest burn, again. He buried that thoughts and went on with the video, but when that part occurred the second time, he couldn't hold his will to come a little back with the playing to rewatch it. Again. And again. He was literally zooming on their faces: their noses were touching and their chins, almost.

Did we really dance this close?
How the fuck did I hold it?
Oh God, tomorrow is going to be a mess.

The burn in his chest came up to his face, making the boy to throw his phone away. Gosh, you're not fifteen anymore, come on Wooyoung. He was sure that San was just very friendly with him, probably he felt that powerful chemistry too, but nothing more. They had just practiced together for some days, there was no way all those things could mean something. Wooyoung wasn't even sure it could mean something to him.

He shuffled his hair and sit up, wondering about what to do. It was almost dinner time.

Maybe I can eat something and go to practice, again.

He seriously needed a break from his thoughts about San, which were starting to suffocate his rational self. Plus, the general worries about the upcoming episode were also rising: what if he did something wrong on the stage? What if he risked elimination again?

Definitely, he needed to dance a bit more. Alone.

He put everything he needed in his backpack and ran away to the cafeteria, waving to Jisung who had just came back from his practice. After taking just a sandwich, he sat and started to browse his sketchbook. He found a lot of notes of old choreographies he did, and some he thought about but never create. He spent about twenty minutes like that, lost in his mind, until he decided it was time to go practice.

Since it wasn't late but still dinner time, the scheduled practices should have already finished. So, he didn't expect to find anyone in the room.

And he was right: the studio was dark and empty. The sight made his lips to paint a little smirk as throwing his bag along the mirror and making himself towards the stereo system.

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