Chapter 61

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Raizel releases a sigh of relief after seeing that Reina is in a very good state now. It seems like the Noblesse was able to receive her power from the bloodstone Maduke had for some unknown reason, Lazark's action also gave her enough life force for her to look like she was in that state when she first entered Lukedonia. The glowing of her skin and the humming power in her veins made it evident that she is the most powerful being to ever walk this planet. 

Raizel's worries were all washed away after realizing that no one can harm her, not when she's in this state and Frankenstein is at her side.

"You did?" Lazark nods his head as an answer to Reina's question. All of them, including Karias and Rael, are gathered inside Frankenstein's laboratory in the basement of the house.

"Before leaving Lukedonia, Frankenstein gave me the data and the results of your experiments when using the technique... I just thought that it is fair to use this power to help you." He explained while Reina looks at him in awe.

"How are you able to understand those data?" Before Lazark can answer her, Reina shakes her head. She doesn't want to talk about trivial things, the fact that he was able to utilize the data was enough for her.

"You know what, forget about it. I'll teach you how to use it without fainting." Reina waves her hand nonchalantly.

"Miss Reina, please let me stay by your side to assist you. I owe my life to you." Lazark bows before her. After bidding their farewells to Raizel... Raskreia, Rosaria, and Kei went back to Lukedonia, leaving Lazark with Raizel.

"If that is your decision... who am I to say no?" She shrugs before looking at Frankenstein who is too focused on the computer screens. He is doing everything he can to help Muzaka and Garda who are in separate tubes with wires on their body and an oxygen mask.  The human glares at both Lazark and Reina when they volunteered to heal the two preventing them from doing so.

"You can join Karias and Rael with their guarding duties." Frankenstein said while his eyes are still on the screens.

Seira places the slices of cake in front of Reina and Raizel while Regis refills their cups of tea.

"Why are you all even here?" Frankenstein groans while glaring at Reina, thinking that it's her idea to stay in the lab, as she quietly sips her tea.

"Me?" She asked innocently.

"Go back to the living room." Raizel lowers his head before standing up. His servant looks at him incredulously...


"It's Raizel's idea to stay here thinking you might need some company." Reina shakes her head while smirking at her lover.

"I guess we're just a nuisance to you." She continues before standing too, discretely sticking her tongue at him.

"No I--" Frankenstein looks around him to see if he can use anything to make his Master stay.

"Master here." He smirks at Reina before placing a hot bowl of freshly cooked instant ramen in front of Raizel.

Raizel's eyes instantly twinkle as he elegantly sits back down while nodding at Frankenstein.

"What?" Reina looks at him with disbelief.

"You have to stay sad!" But Raizel stays seated making Reina frown.

"This is unbelievable." Reina murmurs making Frankenstein grin.

Reina sits back down while glaring at Frankenstein's back.

'You'll experience unbelievable later.'

Her Lover: Frankenstein (Noblesse FF)Where stories live. Discover now