Chapter - 25

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Frustration was exactly how Frederick was feeling at the moment. He has been sitting here for hours discussing the next heir with the councilmen. These people went on and on about the same thing in circles. They were adamant about not having Crystal on the throne.

“It’s just irrational, My Lord.” One of the council heads said.

“We can’t let her reign the throne without proper training.” Another continued.

“She lacks years of training to rule.” A third added. 

“She was born to be the Queen, and I have already been training her.” King Frederick replied. 

“Even if you train her, it would take her too long to adapt. We should stick to the plan of making Prince Bennett the next heir.” The first concluded.

Everyone turned to look at the prince who sat there dozing off, his chin propped up on his fist as he leaned into the chair. Frederick nudged the prince at his side, jolting him up from his slumber.

“Yeah, I think it’s a splendid idea,” Bennett exclaimed, unaware of discussion. 

 Frederick heaved a sigh massaging his temples “I don’t think it would be wise.” He said, eyeing his son, who he believed was worthless.

“We know that your decision would be the final one, but it wouldn’t mean that the people are going to accept an unknown face as their leader.” A councilman probably in his late forties commented.

The King’s eye raged with fire “She is my daughter.” He shouted, tightly gripping his seat.

“We don’t deny the fact, but what James said is also true. The people are well acquainted with Prince Bennett rather than Princess Crystal.” The one sitting at the front said referring to the previous councilman.

“I plan to formally introduce her to everyone, I don’t think my people would push away their Princess, they know very well what is good for them.” Frederick reasoned. He needed to convince the councilmen of Crystal’s potential. His plan would only be successful if Crystal claimed the throne.

“How about we organize a duel,” Bennett spoke, already a plan formulating in his mind. One could see the cogwheels turning in his head as his eyes held a mischievous look.

“What do you mean by duel?” Frederick gritted out. He was well aware of his son’s antics and how he took everything as a game.

“A duel between My sister and Myself in front of the entire pack. Whoever wins the duel will be entitled as the next heir,” Bennett explained, determined to put his plan into action.

“That sounds like a good idea, this way we can also determine who is more capable of the throne.” The councilman James exclaimed. The rest of the council agreed in tow.

“But the throne is to be passed down to the elder child it’s stated in the rules.” Frederick protested, he was anxious about Crystal losing the duel, even with her powers she was a novice.

“Your father didn’t follow rules Frederick, it is the reason this chaos started.” James sneered at The King. “And I don’t think the late King was wrong because the throne should belong to whoever is worthy.” He further added. James despised Frederick ever since he lost his family in the rogue war.

Frederick was trapped in between the devil and the blue sea. It was true his late father had passed the throne to him rather than giving it to his elder brother, claiming Frederick was more worthy of the throne.  The sole reason for the existence of the Rogue King.

“It’s decided then, we will hold a duel in two weeks, to see who is worthy to be the next heir.” The council head declared as everyone agreed.

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