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Me and jungkook are on our way to my apartment. He is being very caring with me I don't know why? may be he is pitying me. 

We sit in the car in silence no one dare to talk. Soon I drift into dreamland.

Jungkook P.O.V.

I saw her falling asleep So I just start drive fast. Long drives are not good for pregnant lady so. 

After 30 mins of driving I park my car on entrance  and called her.

"Y/n!" but she didn't budge.

"We are here wake up"I said in soft voice but she only snuggle into her seat 

"Y/n what is your floor?"I asked her.

"Umm four."She mumble still asleep.

"And passcode?"I asked but she didn't reply.

I think I should call jackson and I call him.

"Hello?"I heard him saying

"Hi it's me jungkook."I said.

"Yeah mr. jeon."

"Can you um tell me y/n's apartment's passcode?"I asked

"What? wHy? What happen?"He asked worried.

"Nothing happened I drived her home but she is in deep slumber. She in not waking up So I thought I should take her to her apartment.That's why I asked."I said

"Ohh She is heavy sleeper."HE said and chuckled."3698 Passcode."He said.

"Okay thank you."I said.

"Welcome."He said and we bid good bye and I cut the call.

Come on let's take her to her apartment.I thought and get out of the car and walk to her side opened the door and unbuckled her and first I took her bag in my hand and put that bag on my car bonnet and slowly carried her and kicked the door shut and take her bag and lock the car and them I make my way to lift.

She was now holding into my shoulder and snuggling into my chest.


I heard the lift stopped in front of me I get into the lift and tried to press button 4 but it was difficult there was a old lady she seems to notice and she asked me politely for help and I nod.

"Which floor?"She asked.

"4"I said smiling.

She pressed the button and looked at us smiling.

"Your wife seems pregnant."she said looking at y/n.

"Yeah"I said not wanting to have convo.

"It's good to see this young generation taking good care of there wives."She said smiling I just smiled at her.

"Which month?"She asked

"Umm 3"I said.

"Ohh really then you should take very good care of her. Bcz in the early months of pregnancy lady need lot of care. You should not let her work too that is not good for the baby. If she stress her self that will effect the baby."She said worried 

"No I am taking good care of her don't worry."I said bcz I don't have any option without lieing.


We heard and looked at screen it was our floor so I just said good bye to her and left the lift.

I found only single room there so I just make my way towards it and after hard attempts I managed to type passcode I kicked the door open and went inside and shut the door behind.

I looked at her she was still in sleep so I found her bedroom and layed her down and she make herself comfortable.

But I was in deep thinking about what that old lady said. I mean I make her do the project alone she must have worked hard I hope her baby is fine. I hope SHE is fine.

I looked at my watch I think I should leave now.I get up from chair and make my way toward her living room. As I hold the handle of her kwob I heard something from her room, so I rushed to wards her room but she wasn't there. I looked at the room I saw light coming from her bathroom so I run towards it and only found her throwing up.

I can't help myself but I rushed towards her and hold her hairs. She looked at me I am sure she is shocked but instead of questioning she again starts to throwing up I just start to rub her back.

After a while she stopped and fell on my chest breathing heavily. I looked at her and saw her closing her eyes.

"Y/N?"I said shaking her little.

"My head."she whispered 

"Don't close your eyes."I said but I saw her rolling her eyes back I tapped her cheeks but I didn't worked and she passed out.

I just take her out and place her on her bed and I called eunwo 

"Eunwo. I am not able to come today. If there happens  anything  just ask namjoon hyung ."I said 

"Okay boss."he said and cut the call.

I can't let her stay alone. What if I already leaved from here I thought looking at her.

I sit besides her and soon I found my self sleeping.


I woke up hearing my name, I look at the person it was y/n looking at me with questionable face. I sit properly on the chair.

"Jungkook what are you doing in my apartment?"She asked. Did she already forget that I took her here.

"I took you here you were sleeping I tried to wake you up but you didn't budge So I called jackson and asked  about your apartment and take you here and just I was leaving I heard you throwing up so I rushed in and after throwing up you passed out so I stayed."Explained.

"Ohh "She said looking down."I am sorry bcz of me you have to do this."She said and I sighed.

"Stop blaming your self y/n I was concerned "I said and smiled to her .

"Do you want anything to eat?"She asked me getting up

"No I am fine."I said.

"I insist you took care of me so I'll treat you something."She said walking off the room 

I can't win against her I thought and followed her and I saw her start to cook something.

"You want help?"I asked an she shook her head 

"Just sit there. I'll cook fast ."She said and I nod

After 20 mins she came holding 2 big bowls of tteobokki.

"Here"She placed the bowl in front of me and sit besides me and start to eating

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"Here"She placed the bowl in front of me and sit besides me and start to eating.

I really wish this happen everyday. Waking up with you. eating with you. loving you. everything but I am scared.

I was in my thoughts she shake me and tell me to eat and I starts to eat and it was amazing.

"How's it?" She asked me.

"It's amazing better than jin hyung's cooking."I said eating more.

She laughed at my answer. Her laugh was so sweet I just want to make her happy.

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