Hwang Hyunjin - Stray kids

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Warnings: sub!Hyunjin, dom!female!reader, cross dressing, exhibitionism(kinda), choking, thigh ridding, degradation, many more.

Theme: you catch your fellow member dressed up in your clothes

Words: 3,423

A/n: was kinda board and had nothing to do, so I finished up this draft I had and yep, here we have this super, long ass pice. It took me forever to finish, but it came out very well in my opinion. I hope you like it, and feedback is always appreciated :)


Hyunjin pov:

I was home alone bored with nothing to do. Usually this would be great, because I rarely get to be home alone by myself without the members, but I was just plain out bored and had no idea what to do. I was sprawled across the livingroom floor like a starfish as I pondered what to do. Then it clicked in my mind, Y/N.

Yesterday, I was on tumbler and I saw a picture of a guy dressed up as a girl. Not like transgender, he was wearing a skirt and a crop top and had feminine makeup on. I was so intrigued, that by the time I got off of my search, two hours had passed. And the whole of last night was spent thinking instead of sleeping. I knew that she would probably be okay with it, but I didn't wanna do anything too risky. But I'm bored. And bored times are spent in impulsive discussions.

"They won't be home for a little while." I say to myself, contemplating if I should go ahead with my plan or not. After some discussion time, I decide to just fuck it and head to Y/Nroom. She gets her own room because she's the only girl, but the room is rather Cramped seeing that it's supposed to be the pantry. But, somehow she makes it feel so spacious, enough to have a six drawer dresser. One drawer consisting of shorts and skirts. I open the drawer and stare at the skirts she has neatly folded on the left half.

"So many." I say with a pout. There were only about ten or so, but still, too many to count. I dig through them and spend a few seconds or so to decide on what to wear till I see it. It's nothing simple, a black skirt with ruffles in it, making it look like a kind of a tennis skirt. I took it out and realized that it had a slit in the side, going up to the mid hip.

"Wow." I say to myself in disbelief. I put it on her chair under her loft and I search through the drawers till I find the one consisting of shirts. I look through her shirts to not find any crop tops.

"That's weird. Maybe they're hanging up." I say as I push the drawer back in and walk to her half closet. I open it and I'm found with what seems like a billion crop tops and a few dresses and nightgowns.

"Oh my god Y/N." I say in disbelief as I shuffle through the shirts. I shuffle for about twenty seconds or so until I see a shirt that makes me giggle. It's a white cotton shirt, with deep red lettering on it.

"Baby girl, huh." I say in amusement as I take it off the hanger. I go back to the black skirt on her chair and I start to strip. I take off my shirt and shorts to then put on her black skirt and white shirt. I then look at myself in the mirror next to the chair and damn. I look fine. I look myself up and down, seeing how her clothes barely fit me. The usually big skirt was small enough to where the bottom barely went past the top of my thigh, the slit in it going way further than my mid hip. The crop top fit me perfect, except it was way too small in length. The bottom of it reached the middle of my belly button. And when I raised my arms, you were able to see my bottom six of eight packs. I look back to her dresser and see a black and white headband sitting on top of it. I walk over and grab it, putting it on as I head back over to the mirror by her bed. I fix my hair and i-.

"Damn." I say in disbelief as I start to check myself out, turning around so I can see the back of my outfit. That's when the door opens, and in walks Y/N. I freez and so does she.

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