The boys go insane...

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Fiona's POV
Here's your money" I say, sliding the nurse the $50.
Yeah, that's right. Zayn was fine. I had bribed a nurse to tell the bys, so they would freak out, maybe now they'll let me go!
Or kill me....
Oh well.

I caught the next 15 minutes on camera. The boys had gone crazy, crying, sobbing, saying things like "don't worry *sniff*, I'm sure he's in heaven *sniff* he, he.... He gets to see all of his *sniff* relatives. He's happy."
Then, Zayn walked in.
Harry fainted again.
Liam slapped himself like he was seeing ghosts.
And Louis and Niall screamed like they saw a zombie.
As for me, I started laughing my head off.
Point one: Fiona!

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