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-This book contains-
^Bad language
^Domestic violence/abuse
^Drugs and alcohol
^Rape and sexual assault
^Sexual activity
*You have been warned*
*I've put translations of the Italian words/sentences after every speech etc*
btw I do NOT own any of the photos used in this story!!
Introducing Brooklyn~
My name is Brooklyn. I practically live with my best friend Zoe, my only friend to be honest. This is all thanks to my cruel mother who abandoned me with my abusive,violent step-father, all because she wanted to pursue her career in becoming a fashion model. She calls now and again...but I never answer out of anger because of how she hurt me by leaving. Back to my living situation, I hardly stayed at my house because I was afraid of what my step-dad was capable of. Here and there I would come home but I would stay locked away in my bedroom. Sometimes I wished I could just runaway and never come back.

Well, I guess my wish was granted.

Chapter 1~

I was woken up by loud cluttering downstairs. I knew exactly what was happening. I stepped out of bed, stretching my tired arms. I strolled over to my closet to pick out an outfit for school today.
Suddenly, I heard a yell from downstairs "WHERE THE HELL IS MY ALCOHOL!!" I rolled my eyes as I chose a ribbed yellow tube top and black slightly distressed shorts.

Me and my best friend Zoe didn't give two shits about the school dress code, because we always managed to get away with whatever we wore in the end

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Me and my best friend Zoe didn't give two shits about the school dress code, because we always managed to get away with whatever we wore in the end.

I quickly brushed my medium length champagne blonde hair and then curled the ends. I grabbed my black leather rucksack and slipped on my white af1's. I picked up my phone just as it vibrated.
*hey I'm outside*
*heyy, okay I'm coming now*
I rushed downstairs hoping my step-dad wouldn't be in the living room as I walked past to leave. To my surprise he wasn't there. Just as I began to leave my step-father yelled "Hey! Where are you going". He obviously forgot I had school. I didn't want to bother with him today so I continued walking out the house. Just as I went to close the door, he threw a vase at the door causing me it to shatter into pieces. Zoe and me rushed down the driveway and went to school.

We arrived through the school entrance and went over to our lockers. I placed my books inside and just a thew other things inside before shutting it. Me and Zoe walked into first period and sat at the back. Just as we sat down Mrs. Tuller called our names. We both immediately looked up to see she was shaking her head with her arms crossed. "Young ladies, would you both care to explain to me why you're both wearing highly inappropriate clothing!?" She hissed.
We stayed quiet and kept staring at her showing we weren't in the mood. "Right then. If you both won't answer me you can go to the principals office!" She snapped. Zoe and me managed to come up with an excuse and the principal let us off.

*time skip*
The bell rang. I unfortunately, had to go back home because Zoe had a shift at a diner. I waved goodbye to Zoe as we parted ways after walking out of school. I plugged in my earphones and decided to listen to some Ariana Grande because it put me in a good mood. I was 10 minutes away from my house. But I didn't want to go home so I slowed down my pace. I tripped over my laces and leaned down to tie my laces. I saw a light far behind me coming towards me. I realised it was a car once I stood up from tying my shoes. I shrugged it off and began walking in the direction of my house. I noticed the car was driving slowly as if the person or people inside it were watching me. It started to approach me. I realised it was a van... a large white van. I picked up my pace as I feared what would happen if it caught up to me. I ended up getting distracted by the van coming towards me and accidentally went the wrong way to my house. Uh oh...

I was on a road that I was unfamiliar with. The van was still following behind me. I gulped as I realised came to a dead end. There was no way to turn. I was trapped.

There was a building in front of me. I had no where to go so I turned around and came face to face with the van. I backed into the building wall. I heard the screech of the van door slide open. I saw a figure come out of the van. I couldn't see the actual person because it was quite dark plus it was the evening. I could only make out that the figure was a male. A extremely tall male. He was followed by two others who I were guessing were men. As all three of them got closer I could tell they were around my age (17-19). One had dark brown hair and was quite tall he also had these gorgeous green eyes. Another male next to him had black curly hair and brown eyes and looked around 6'4. The last one had light brown fluffy hair and hazelnut brown eyes. They were very attractive. But right now I was petrified.

The one with black curly hair and brown eyes slowly walked over to me and I started to panic as I had nowhere to go. The other two stopped and watched as he came over to me. "DONT COME ANY CLOSER!" I shrieked.
He chuckled and continued coming closer and closer until he was in front of me. I froze completely.
"Hello, Brooklyn." He crouched down to my level as I sat with my back against the building wall.
"Who the hell are you?" I questioned him. He just stayed there examining me. I shuffled uncomfortably seeing him looking at my face and body. He then motioned one of the other men to come over. The one with green eyes came over. "Hey!" I snapped. As he tried to grab my wrist and pull me up. "Im Luke by the way" he said trying to loosen me up.
"Well 'luke', I don't appreciate you grabbing my wrist without consent!" I yelled. Luke chuckled as the other one who was with us walked back over to the van and got in the drivers seat. "Well seeming as you want to do this the hard way..." he shrugged. He flung me over his shoulder and I slammed my fists into his back. "LET ME DOWN NOW YOU IDIOT!!" I screeched. That pissed him off. He slammed my body into the back of the van. He tied my hands and feet so I couldn't move them, then slammed the van door shut.

The engine started and that's when I blacked out.........

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