'Little detective'

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My name's Mike, I was an average guy who was into solving mysteries, simple right? Well that's what I thought before I got my first job offer as a detective. Now I didn't take the job, but I offered to work on things like missing animals and such. That is also until I solved my first murder case..Then more and more people started to call me up for tasks like that and well, guess i call it a hobby at this point. But I also do it to see the relief on people's faces when I catch the person, knowing that I just served justice for the people they've killed in cold blood. Lately there's a new murderer on the loose that everyone's frightened about, it's on the news, in newspapers, in conversations, I just can't get a break from hearing about them. I stopped in front of a store displaying TV's which just so happened to be on the news "Chester, as they call the new serial killer has struck again at a local bar, everyone was left dead with no witnesses, or survivors. We checked all of the people there for any relations to the guy but nothing has come up. Only thing they all have in common is a criminal record." I put my hands behind my head and continued walking down the street. I'm pretty sure I already had a lead to who this person might be. And guess who's my suspect?...My own roommate. Now I know it's probably some strange thing to suspect your own roommate of being a serial killer, I mean if you live with the guy it would either be obvious or it's simply not him. But I have my reasons....I walked up my apartment stairs and opened the door to my roommate Jean sitting at the counter watching the news on TV from the kitchen "Hey.." He said quietly. "What're you doing?" I questioned as I took off my coat and hung it up by the door. "Oh nothing really...just watching the latest thrill.." He stared at the TV as it showed graphic content of the crime scene. "You sure like the news when it's about that specific killer, think you know who it is?" He laughed a bit, I think the first time I ever heard him laugh "Even if I knew I'm not a snitch Mike, I know you and your detective thing" I had to hand it to him, he was really convincing but also suspicious. If you think this is the only reason I suspect him, you're judging my work too harshly. I know he has no job but he always comes back late at night when I'm not out doing something. It seems like an all day thing he's been doing. But he's also a shady looking guy with black hair, purple eyes, and baggy black clothing that makes him look like a stalker half the time. Yeah, not only his look, him coming back late and switching to the news where there's just so happened to be the new serial killer's latest hunt? Yeah I had my suspicions. I shrugged my shoulders and left him there watching the gruesome news. I got into my room and locked the door like I did every night, opened my drawer like I did every night, and put my gun on the stand next to my bed like I did every night. I laid on my bed and stared at what I thought was the ceiling in the darkness. If the serial killer 'Chester' was really my roommate, I guess the saying keep your enemies close really did make sense here. I want to keep an eye on him...That must have been what he was thinking too. His only threat was me. 

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