"I'll do it tomorrow."

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Days passing, seldom plotting
Crystal blue lazy river
Today's thoughts pondering
Unworthy risk you'll soon discover
As you near the bend

Eyes closed, water pulling
Drifting, falling- water flowing
Time fleeting, alone and confused
Tides pull quickly growing
Absorbed within deep abyss
Pardoning procrastination and laziness
Time's restless feet cannot be dismissed
Leading down a hole of detriment

Lying looking only within
Pitch black cave surrounded
Sunlight disappearing again
Seemingly hopeless situation
Having fallen with no salvation
Fighting climbing the walls aren't budging
Knees dropping to the cold stone floor
Darkness creeping shadows cackling
Reaching down you find a bone
Stuck in the hole of lies
You're not so alone
Laying with the corpse of your own demise

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