chapter sixteen

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Ryan's pov

A few days later, Jaymie had practically recovered one hundred percent, and she had just come out of her headspace this morning.

I woke up with the sun shining and birds chirping. I had slept in Jaymie's bed again, having slept there for the last few nights since she had been sick, but in the morning when I didn't feel her in my arms, I reached over for her, but only felt cold sheets in her place. I sat up, rubbing my eyes to wipe away the sleep, and looked all around the room.

"Jaymie?" I called, but I got no reply. Panic started to seep through me, as I worried something bad happened. You never know what littles could do unsupervised. What if she hurt herself badly?? I jumped out of bed running down the stairs to try and find my girl, praying to whoever was up there that she was alright. "Jaymie?!" I called again. Even I could hear the panic rising in my voice.

I stopped in the kitchen where I heard muffled music and footsteps, my anxiety lighting up a bit, and then completely, once I saw the scene in front of me. Jaymie had her headphones in and her fiery hair tied in a messy bun. She wore her volleyball shorts and an oversized hoodie, which I realised was one of mine she liked to steal a lot. I blushed at seeing her in my clothes, my heart beating faster than before. She was dancing to the music blasting through her headphones while mixing something in a bowl for breakfast. She looked so carefree and happy. I just wished that I could walk up to her and wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her, but I couldn't. We weren't together. I watched her for a few more moments, crossing my arms and leaning against the doorframe with a smirk. She eventually looked my way and her eyes widened as she stopped her movements and pulled the headphones from her ears.

"Oh, um," she started. "H-hi, Ry. I, erm, I didn't see you there," I chuckled, uncrossing my arms and walking over to peer over her shoulder.

"It's alright, babes. What are you making?" I asked, scooting closer to her. I felt her shiver underneath me when my breath hit her neck.

"Oh, I erm, cakes! I mean, uhm, I mean pancakes," she laughed nervously, gulping when I brushed her hair out of the way. I hummed.

"Looks delicious," I said backing up, and she seemed to sigh a breath of relief. She turned to me, face red and flushed, and shyly smiled.


"No problem," I winked. I couldn't help it! I'm just a naturally flirty person. "Do I get some when you're done?" I teased.

"'Course. They were actually, uh for... you, like I was gonna bring them to you in bed, it was supposed to be a surprise. I just wanted to do something nice to thank you for taking care of me while I was sick... and little, I know it was probably a lot and just, erm, thank you." She rambled nervously, while I looked at her with one eyebrow raised and a goofy smile on my face. She looked at me blankly. "What? What's that look for?" She blushed and I smiled wider.

"You're cute," I laughed. "Of course I would take care of you. One; you're my best friend, and two; that's my job, remember?" I said, making a 'duh' face. She blushed again.

"Well, still," she argued. "Thank you, it meant a lot."

"Well then, you're welcome," I said with a grin before giving her a kiss on the cheek. As soon as my lips met her skin, tingles were sent through my body. It was weird because kissing each other on the cheek was something we used to do all the time. I didn't understand why only now, I was feeling things. I just played it off and when I looked back at her, she had a soft smile resting on her lips and her cheeks were flushed a soft shade of pink. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, giggling softly.

"You've done a lot in the last few days, why don't you go sit on the sofa and rest for a bit while I finish up?" She offered.

"I'm not gonna say no to that!" I joked, running towards the living room, and hopping on the sofa. I decided against watching something on the telly because Jaymie had put her headphones back in and was humming softly to the music. She sounded so amazing and I just wanted to listen to her, so I opted for scrolling through my phone so I could still hear the amazing girl I got to call my best friend. And hopefully someday, something more, but for now, I'll settle for this.


Breakfast was delicious, and I spent the entire time attempting to make her giggle and blush. Both of which I was successful, and to be quite honest it was one of the most amazing things. I loved her giggle. It was soft and made me smile, it sounded like angels. Seeing her blush was also something I would never forget. It makes me happy to know I have some effect on her, and it's adorable seeing her act shy and timid, even though the only Jaymie I've ever known is the loud and outgoing Jaymie.

The rest of the day was spent about the same. I hadn't gone grocery shopping in a while, so Jaymie accompanied me while I went to the store to grab the things we'd need for that week.

While we were there, I also let her pick out a new stuffie since she had just gotten over being sick and she had been so good for me. She giggled and thanked me before running off and choosing a super soft elephant. It had big, pouty eyes and blue fur. It was absolutely adorable. She brought it back to show me, asking what I thought. 

"Very cute, bubs," I said, stating my opinion

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"Very cute, bubs," I said, stating my opinion. She giggled.

"Thankies." She wasn't fully little, but she wasn't fully big either, so after we finished our grocery shopping and I brought her home, I put on the Princess and the Frog for us to watch together. It was her favourite movie, and secretly it was also mine. We built a fort and ate dino nuggets for lunch. She cuddled with me while sucking on a dummy and holding her new stuffie, which she has decided to name Wilbur. I held her close while playing with her hair and whispering sweet nothings in her ear.

After only about thirty minutes, I looked down at her, only to realise she was fast asleep. We could play more once she woke up, but for now, I'd let her get some rest. I paused the show and kissed her on the temple, continuing to hold her.

"Goodnight amorette," I whispered.

A/N: Here's chapter sixteen! Thank you guys so much for 1k reads! I can't believe it, it's so amazing so, thank you, thank you, thank you!!! As always, comment, vote, and share if you would like! If you have any requests or things you would like to see, let me know! Thank you again! Enjoy xx

Question of the day! Pineapple on pizza; yes or no? To me, I'm okay with it, it's not my favourite, but I'll eat it!

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